7. Dinner is Served

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I served him some pasta and some salad then poured him some wine. I forced myself to stop thinking about the past and focus on the man that was sitting in front of me. He was practically devouring the food like he hadn't eaten for months.

"Slow down, would you?" I laughed.

"This is amazing. You are a great cook," he managed to say between eating.

"Thanks, call me the pasta guru," I said.

"I wasn't joking when I said I haven't had a home-cooked meal in months. So thanks," he said.

"Do you live by yourself?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't being too intrusive.

"Yes," he said.

"So..what about a wife or a girlfriend?" I couldn't help but ask. He looked so interesting so I wondered what kind of girl he liked to date.

"I am too busy to have one," he smirked.

"Busy doing what?" I asked.

"Stuff," he said.

"Wow, your vague answers are making me real suspicious," I let out a nervous chuckle.

"I could tell you what I do for a living but I won't because..." he paused.

"Because?" I pressed for more.

He leaned forward and got closer to my ears. "Because I think you are too pretty to die," he whispered.

Lovely. I now have a possible murderer in my house. He is probably joking though, right?

I didn't say anything for a second then just laughed. "Very funny, you got me there for a second," I said.

He just looked at me and shrugged.

"So, do you live around here?" I asked.

I don't know why I was so curious about him but I needed to know more. His mysterious aura was driving me nuts. It was as if I wanted to unravel the thick curtain of fog that surrounded him.

"Actually, I am currently renting the room on the top floor of the bar," he said.

"What, really? That shit hole?" I was amused.

"Hey! That shit hole is my home!" he pretended to look offended. "And it's cheap," he added.

"That's more like a closet than a room. How do you even fit in it? You are like eight feet tall," I commented.

Isaac rolled his eyes. "First of all, I am six foot 4, and second of all, do you have a better place in mind for me?" he asked.

This was the moment I completely lost my mind. "How about here?" I blurted out.

What? Did I really just offer him to live with me? Here, in this house? It was as if I was possessed by another person. Not the smart, cautious Anna Lynch. The tragedy of losing my husband must've caused me brain damage.

Even Isaac looked shocked at my offer and went silent for a moment. He was just sitting there staring at me intently. My ridiculous offer must've rendered him speechless.

He cleared his throat. "Ah, are you offering to be my roommate?"

Roommate, that's it. It didn't sound as bad when he put it that way. Lots of people have roommates so that's completely normal.

"Y..yes? I think it would be good," I said quietly.

He looked like he was considering it in his head. "So...you have a room you can rent me? How much will you charge?" he asked.

Something clicked inside me. This was my chance to pay him back properly for saving my life.

"How about I let you stay here free of charge?" I asked.

"That's ridiculous, I couldn't just..." he started to say but I interjected.

"No just hear me out. How about I let you stay here for free in exchange for you looking out for me? I am a young widow who lives in this shitty area. Anyone can break in or take advantage of me. How about you stay with me and ensure my safety?" I said.

"So, you want me to be your bodyguard for free in exchange for letting me live here for free?" he smirked.

"Yes. That way we will be even-steven. What do you think?" I asked. The more I thought about it the better the idea sounded in my head.

"I think you got yourself a deal Anna Lynch," he said and extended his hand so we can shake on it.

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