39. Love and Friendship

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"What is he doing here?" Josh demanded to know.

"About that, he has been living with me for the past few weeks," I said awkwardly.

"WHAT!" Josh gasped. "Are you kidding me, Anna?" he exclaimed.

"I am afraid she is not," Isaac answered.

"Look, I'll explain everything to you later," I said.

Josh stared at us dumbfounded. I guess he was shocked at my crazy decision.

"Why would you live with this guy? What's going on with you Anna? Have you gone nuts?" Josh cried.

"Josh, please. I'll explain everything once you've calmed down," I insisted again.

Josh stared at me for a moment then stormed away.

"You couldn't have come out at a worse time," I shook my head.

"What? Maybe it's time we let everyone know. Your sister already knows so I don't see the point in hiding about us," Isaac said and hugged me from behind.

"What can we even tell them? That we are fuck buddies?" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"You know something Anna, you are the most difficult woman I've ever met. I proclaimed my love for you and you still refused to be my woman," he whispered and slid his hand inside my underwear.

"Uhh...what are you doing?" I gasped.

"Starting where we left off," he said and moved his hand up and down, igniting a fire between my legs.

"I love you," he said.

"S..stop saying that!" I cried.

"I'll never stop saying that," he said and picked me up.

"How do you know it's real, maybe you just like having sex with me?" I offered.

"I just know," his voice was deep with emotions. I believed him.

Maybe I should tell him I saw his letter. I felt bad for snooping around behind his back. It was as if I was betraying him.

The next morning, I tried to get Josh alone to explain the situation to him. I know I said it was none of his business but we had known each other since high school and I didn't want to lose him as a friend.

"So that's why he lives in my house," I said after taking him everything.

"Anna that's crazy. Even if he was there to save you it doesn't mean you shouldn't invite him into your home like that," Josh said.

"Well, it's too late for that. I also have feelings for him," I said quietly.

"This is ridiculous, I always thought you were stronger than to fall for the first man you meet," Josh shook his head.

"That's not what happened!" I protested.

"Don't tell me...are you fucking him?" Josh asked. His eyes were burning with anger.

I flinched at his crude words.

"That's none of your business," I looked away.

"Oh my God, you are. What the fuck is the matter with you?" Josh cried.

"Josh, just stop okay? It just happened. Besides, I don't feel any regrets because it's helping me heal in a strange sort of way. When he holds me I feel...safe and loved," I said.

I could see the jealousy flickering in Josh's eyes. "I could've done the same for you," he said and gripped my shoulder.

"Josh look..." I started to say.

"I am in love with you, Anna. Since high school. But you got together with David instead. I was very jealous," he said.

I was surprised to hear that. I never realized Josh had feelings for me for this long.

Before I could say anything else, he smashed his lips on my mouth. I was caught off guard at first but quickly recovered and pushed him off of me then slapped him on the cheek.

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