22. Movie Night

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Isaac's P.O.V.

I could tell my teasing was really getting to her. Maybe what I was doing to her was the wrong thing to do. Maybe teasing someone who was clearly still grieving was cruel, but let's face it, cruelty is my specialty. Besides, she didn't look entirely bothered by it. She was acting like she was mad at me but her eyes were smiling. Her cheeks turned pink every time she blushed and it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

The hardest part of being this close to her is not being able to kiss her. I knew she'd be angry at me if I defiled her lips and then she would never speak to me again. I couldn't risk it.

I put on a movie and got ready to watch it with her. I loved how forgiving she was. No matter how much I teased her and drove her crazy, she still agreed to hang out with me. I feel like I finally found my best friend I've always wanted. Friendship wasn't something that came to me easily and for that, I'll treasure these moments forever.

"Ew, I don't want to watch this," Anna commented.

"We've been flipping through Netflix for 15 minutes now. Just pick something for God's sake," I groaned. "How about this one?" I showed one in the selection.

"Too mushy," she declared.

"This?" I picked another one.

"Too corny," she said.

We did that for another 10 minutes then she finally decided on a movie. Hallelujah.

"Hey what do you think of the..." 20 minutes in, I started to comment on the movie but paused when I looked at her.

She was sprawled across the couch, dead asleep. All that fuss about picking a movie she is not even going to watch. This girl...

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"Hey Anna, psst.." I whispered. She stirred a little but didn't wake up.

Her blonde hair fell all over her face. She looked relaxed and peaceful. I want to strip away all of her sadness so she would look like this all the time. I reached over and brushed some of her hair away from her face but she still didn't wake up.

I guess it's time for bed, I thought, and got up. I leaned over and picked her up in my arms. She put her arms around my neck and continued to sleep. Damn this girl is a deep sleeper!

The closeness of our bodies made my heart thump against my chest. I hoped my fast beating heart doesn't wake her up.

"Hmm...David..." said as I placed her on the bed. I couldn't help but feel sad. Her husband had her heart and she would always love him. I didn't stand a chance. All I could do was help her heal. She would never love me.

But I wasn't willing to give up just yet. She was worth waiting for. I covered her with some blanket then left.

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