9. Hiding in the Shadows

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I haven't seen Isaac for the next two days since he moved in. He usually leaves in the morning before I wake up for work and comes home late at night when I am sleeping. Which makes me think he is definitely into some type of shady business. But I kept my end of the bargain and didn't ask him any questions regarding his whereabouts.

I went to work every day as normal and come home in the afternoon. Same old boring routine. Except, tonight I decided to meet up Josh at a bar along with some other acquaintances.

I got home pretty late, in around 2 am. I tiptoed inside the house just incase Isaac was sleeping.

"Late night?" Isaac spoke in the dark all of a sudden, startling me to my core.

"SWEET JESUS can you not? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed.

He stepped out of the shadows then turned the lights on. "Sorry, I saw you tiptoeing so I couldn't resist," he smirked.

"Thanks...for that. Why are you awake?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you," he said and walked closer to me.

My heart did a little jump when he said that. He probably didn't mean anything special by it.

"Um...why?" I asked hesitantly.

"Remember our deal? I was to act as your bodyguard when you go out. So how come you were alone tonight?" Isaac demanded to know.

"Oh that, you weren't home. Besides I was with Josh so I figured it'd be okay for me to go out alone," I said.

"First of all, I took our deal very seriously so I need you to call me anytime you need me. No matter how busy you think I am, or at least let me know where you are going," he placed his thumb on my chin and lifted my face up so I'll look into his eyes.

Should I be mad about him touching my face like this? Why am I blushing instead?

"And second, who the hell is Josh?" he asked gruffly.

I thought I saw a glimmer of something in his eyes. Was he jealous of Josh? I immediately rejected the idea. There was no reason why he would be jealous of him.

"He is my friend," I said. I hope he didn't hear how hard my heart hammered against my chest.

"A friend, huh," he said and removed his hand from my face. "I won't keep you. Go get some sleep," he said and stepped aside.

"Oh okay...goodnight!" I said quickly and hurried off to my room.

I face planted on my pillow. I hated the way my body reacted when he touched me. I felt hot and nervous. Something was definitely wrong with me. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, letting him move in with me.

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