50. Prove Me Wrong

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"Do you recognize it?" the detective asked and stared at me intently.

I hesitated. I knew exactly who it belonged to but I didn't want to believe it. I needed to buy more time so I can figure some things out. Isaac was a murderer and it would make perfect sense that he was the killer but why would he do that? For the longest time, he stayed with Kevin. I thought they were friends, not enemies. Nothing made sense anymore.

"No, I don't," I said quietly and looked away.

Detective Martin kept looking at me as if to decide whether he should believe me or not then nodded.

"Alright, that's all I need from you for now. Please go home and get some rest. I'll call you if I need to speak to you again. Call me if you need anything, Ms. Lynch.

I nodded and walked out of the bar. I called myself a taxi and went home. This has been the worse day of my life.

Isaac came home late at night. I sat in the living room and waited. I had to confront him directly no matter how dangerous he is.

"Anna? What's the matter?" he looked at me and asked. He must've seen the fear on my face.

"Isaac, I'm going to ask you something and you have to promise you'll tell me the truth no matter what," I said. My voice was shaking. My eyes stung and tears threatened to come out.

"What is it? Why are you acting weird?" Isaac was concerned.

"Did you kill Kevin?" I asked him directly.

Confusion flickered in his eyes. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Kevin. He...he was murdered! Did you do it?" I asked again. More firmly this time.

"Jesus Anna! I would never do that. I have no reason to kill him. You have to believe me!" he exclaimed.

"Then why was your knife found next to his dead body?" I cried and ran up to him. I gripped his shirt with all of my strength and pulled. "Answer this for me!"

Isaac's eyes turned huge. "My knife. You found my knife," he repeated.

"YES! It had your initials in it. He was killed with your knife, Isaac! How can I believe you when you say you didn't kill him when I saw you murder someone with my own eyes?" I demanded answers.

"I can't make you believe me, Anna. But Kevin was a friend to me. I am telling you I didn't kill him. I love you, Anna. You have to trust me," Isaac insisted.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted when someone loudly banged on the door.

"POLICE! OPEN UP!" a man from the other side yelled. They came for Isaac, I had no doubt about it.

"I'll trust you this once. Please do anything in your power to clear your name because I wouldn't be able to take it if it turns out you are lying to me," I said. My voice was thick with emotions.

"I gotta go. But I promise I'll prove my innocence," Isaac said quickly and hurried off to the back door.

I strode towards the door and opened it before the police broke it down. I didn't know if I made a stupid mistake by letting Isaac escape but I couldn't let him get caught without proving himself to me. I was in love with him and I had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I took a deep breath and got ready to face the interrogation.

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