30. A House Full of Memories

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I went to Liliana's party with him and got a few weird looks from some of my family members. Especially from my mom. She looked at him like he was an alien from outer space.

"My...you are quite tall," was the first thing my mom said to him.

"Yes mom, captain obvious. I'm sure he is tired of people saying it," I quickly jumped to his defense.

Isaac chuckled. "It's okay, I don't mind."

Liliana, of course, made googly eyes at him all evening. She'll definitely plot my murder if I tell her I am sleeping with him.

"So, Isaac do you have a girlfriend?" Liliana asked at the dinner table.

Isaac looked at me and smirked. "No, but I'm working on it," he said.

I tried to look away and pretended I didn't notice his flirtatious behavior.

"Oh, is there someone you've been thinking about?" she pressed.

"Yes, but she only likes me just a little bit," he said and brought his hand under the table then placed it directly on my thigh. I almost spit out my drink. I tried to move his hand away but his grip was too strong.

"Her loss," Liliana gave him her signature seductive smile which agitated me a little.

"So what do you do, Isaac?" my mother chimed in.

Oh boy, I've got news for you mother.

"Investment banking," he was quick to answer.

"I see, where did you meet Anna?" she inquired.

"Kevin's bar," I answered this time. What was up with the third degree?

"Oh how is he doing, by the way?" she asked.

"Last time I checked, pretty good." I shrugged.

"We really need to be talking about selling that house of your's Anna," Mom said. Every time I visit her she always brings up that tiresome topic.

"Mom, for the last time, I'm not selling my house," I said grimly.

"I hate that God awful area and I don't get what the fuss is about," she remarked.

"David bought it for me! He spent years at work to pay it off so we could live comfortably," I protested.

"Well he is not here anymore to enjoy it, is he?" mom said.

"MOM!" Liliana scolded her. She knew how much I hated it when people talked about him being gone. Am I just supposed to erase everything that has to do with him because he was dead?

"Excuse me," I said and ran off to the bathroom. Why couldn't she just leave me alone?

I heard a soft knock on the door.

"I'll be out in a minute," I said.

"It's me, open the door," Isaac said from the other side.

I wiped my tears and opened the door. "I am fine," I said quietly.

He stared at me intently then grabbed my waist to pull me into an embrace. I buried my face in his shirt and sobbed quietly. I guess I wasn't done crying yet.

"Am I stupid to try and preserve his memory?" I asked.

"No, you are sweet and beautiful. He was very lucky to have you, Anna," he whispered.

His kind words made me cry even harder.

"Let's make out in front of your mom then she will stop talking about selling your house," Isaac suggested. His eyes were twinkling with mischief.

"Ew, what? You are terrible," I laughed through my tears.

"Just a suggestion," Isaac chuckled. "How about I take you home instead?"

I nodded in agreement. I've had enough of my family for tonight.

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