19. Furniture Shopping

978 58 9

Isaac's P. O. V.

"I want that one by the window," Anna said and pointed at a coffee table.

Shoot, she can have the entire store if she wanted it. It's not like I can't afford it. The only reason I was living in that shit hole on top of the bar is because I wanted to lay low and Kevin wasn't a suspicious motherfucker.

I looked at Anna admiringly as she chatted away with the salesperson about what kind of rug will suit her living room. This was not normal behavior for someone who just witnessed a murder and I was loving it.

I had a hunch she was something special but now I know for sure. She is making it hard for me not to fall in love with her.

"Earth to Isaac!"

Anna waved her hands in front of my face, trying to wake me up from my trance.

"I've decided. I picked the most expansive glass table here, and you are going to buy it," she declared.

"Why not get a nice wooden table in case next time..."

"There will be no next time you deranged human. Besides, I love glass tables," she said. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. I've never seen someone get so excited about a coffee table before.

"You can have anything you want here," I smiled. This was the first time she looked truly happy. She always had this dark cloud over her head so I was willing to do anything to lift it at this point.

I took her home after shopping. This was the day she wanted me to meet her friend Josh so I tried to mentally prepare for it. I had a feeling this was not gonna go well tonight. I am not good at socializing.

Fear and violence are all I've known my whole life. Not love or friendship. I am an orphan and the word family is foreign to me. Hanging around Anna made me realize what kind of damage losing someone you love can do to you. I guess in a way I was lucky since I never had to worry about that. I had no one to love or care for.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for me to meet your friends? You know...after you saw what I am capable of?" I asked.

"Why, are you planning to decapitate my friends?" she demanded to know. I couldn't help but laugh at her serious expression when she said that. Does she really believe I am that brutal?

"That's...quite a violent imagination you got there sweetheart. But the answer is no," I replied.

"Then I have nothing to worry about. If you hurt my friends you are out of my house then you'll never see another plate of pasta again," she announced.

That would be quite tragic indeed. I decided to behave myself tonight.

"Well then, let's go," I said and smirked.

"By the way, my sister Liliana will be there. She will most likely flirt with you endlessly so just ignore her," she said.

"What if I like when she flirts with me?" I winked.

"She is off limits! I don't want to have a murderer as my brother in law!" she said and frowned.

I laughed at her pure honesty. "Ah, you hurt my feelings. But I understand," I said.

"Good," she said and got in the car with me.

Saving Anna LynchWhere stories live. Discover now