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"Put me down, you fiend!" I screamed as Isaac threw me over his shoulder and carried me to his room.

"Not until you apologize," he declared.

"No way," I resisted.

"You know what happens when you mess with a clan member of a criminal organization? Your head will roll while I bathe in your blood," Isaac said. "But that's not an appropriate punishment for you. You need a special type of punishment," he grinned mischievously.

"I am not afraid of you," I said. But my voice shook in anticipation.

"Alright, have it your way," Isaac said and ripped my shirt open. Then he found the most sensitive spot on my rips and started to tickle me relentlessly.

"NOOOOO! STOP THAT! I can't..." I cried and struggled underneath him. If there was one thing I hated the most in the world, it was being tickled. "This is torture. I thought you loved me!" I could barely speak between my giggle fits.

"Apologize!" Isaac roared and stopped tickling me.

"Okay okay! I am sorry I put a red sock in the washing machine on purpose and turned all of your white shirts pink. But you deserved it for eating my thin mint cookies. I told you you'll pay if you touch those. It was in the contract dammit! Rule number four: Do not eat my thin mint cookies, remember?" I said.

"Well, your contract also said we couldn't sleep together. Look how that worked out," Isaac rolled his eyes.

"No, it said you couldn't force yourself on me. It didn't say anything about consensual intercourse," I declared.

"Oh, I see. Does that mean you were planning to seduce me from the beginning?" he smirked.

"I never seduced you! YOU seduced me with your sexy dimples and hot abs," I whined.

Isaac laughed and kissed me hard. His hand traveled under my shirt and explored all over my skin.

"I love you Anna Lynch, and you will share your cookies with me," he grinned and continued to kiss me all over.

I was too aroused to argue and let him make love to me.

It had been 4 months since the whole ordeal was over. Josh was sentenced to prison for the murders he committed and I was finally starting to get over the pain I felt for losing David. He will always have a special place in my heart but I knew I needed to move on. I finally decided to sell the house and move to a different area. Isaac stayed by my side every step of the way. He loved me with all of his beings and I loved him the way he deserved it. I guess we were two broken people who needed each other to feel whole again. He saved me, and in a way I saved him. I was finally happy.

A/N: Well folks, this is the end of Saving Anna Lynch. I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to check out my other stories in my profile. Love you!

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