14. Earning Her Trust

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Isaac's P. O. V.

I stared at my phone, waiting for Anna's text. She told me she was going to let me pick her up if she had to stay at the shop after dark. I was supposed to be keeping her safe so letting her go home alone would defeat the purpose.

Especially after what happened that night. I still remember how helpless she looked laying on the sidewalk with that asshole hovering over her. She was hurt and bleeding.

I never met her before our small encounter at the bar but that brief meeting was enough for me to notice her.

She isn't what you'd call, extremely gorgeous or sexy but the simplicity of her look was what made her beautiful. But what drew me to her was the melancholy expression on her face. It was as if she had given up on everything. I had the strongest urge to hold her in my arms and make her feel good.

I should've followed her that night and make sure she was okay. I shouldn't have stayed at the bar and have a few more drinks. I regret that to this day. Seeing her in pain made my blood boil that night. I enjoyed breaking those thugs' scrawny necks. I would've made their death more slow and painful if she didn't need medical attention immediately. Which is why I finished them quickly and took her to the hospital.

Maybe I should've stayed away from her after that but I couldn't stop thinking about her all day. I had to know how she was doing so I went to see her at the shop. I was surprised that she recognized me so quickly. I was even more surprised when she offered me to live with her. I couldn't deny her as I couldn't resist the chance to be close to her.

I've never met someone so sweet and so trusting. No-one ever trusted a guy like me. I wish she would be more careful and not trust people so easily. What if I was much worse than the guys who hurt her?

Lucky for her, I'm never going to hurt her. I decided I will protect her as long as I can. I thought she would get scared and kick me out after seeing me covered in someone else's blood but she just turned a blind eye on it.

You are full of surprises, aren't you Anna Lynch?

My phone buzzed so I looked at it.

Hey, I'm ready, Anna texted.

I smiled at my phone. Seeing her sweet smile was the highlight of my day.

A/N: this story is mostly written in Anna's perspective but I will specifiy each time it's switched to Isaac's perspective.

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