35. Not an Ordinary Job

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"I don't like to talk about my childhood," he said grimly.

"Oh...you don't have to if you don't want to. Then how about telling me why you kill people?" I asked.

Isaac sighed. "I'm a hitman for a crime syndicate. Everyone I kill is strictly for the money. Once in a while, I get people trying to kill me for revenge. The guy that came into the house that night? He was one of the ones that were after my blood. I'm very good at covering my tracks but that guy somehow found me. I'm sorry about that," he said and looked at me.

"How did you become a hitman?" I was curious.

"It's a long story. The boss from the clan sort of adopted me after saving me from a really bad situation. I owe him my life," he said sadly.

"I know you said you don't want to talk about your childhood but...what happened to your parents?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said quietly. "I've always been alone. They could be dead for all I know," he said.

My heart filled with sadness for him. I thought my life was hard enough with David being gone but it was nothing compared to what Isaac's been through. His reluctance to share the details of his childhood made me think he had suffered. I decided not to probe him for more information. At least, not yet.

"Anything else you wanna know nosy princess?" he smirked.

"No, you are spared for now," I smiled.

"By the way, I'm planning on making you fall in love with me," his eyes were twinkling.

"Oh really? And how do you plan on doing that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"By flashing my sexy dimples as much as possible," he said and did just that.

"Who said they were sexy? You arrogant dumbass," I said dismissively.

"Your blushing face. Don't think I've never noticed," he grinned.

Ugh...nothing goes past this guy.

Maybe I already fell for him but for some reason, I wanted to keep it a secret from him. I felt like admitting to falling in love with another man would defile the memory of David. I knew it was a silly thought considering the fact that I've been letting him have his way with me. I fell asleep thinking about those things.

Josh kept avoiding me at work the next day. I guess he was still mad at me. I didn't say anything to him as I didn't feel like provoking another argument between us. He will get over me eventually.

After work, I took a little detour and went to see Kevin at the bar. I wanted to find out more about Isaac so I wanted to know if Kevin knew anything since Isaac used to live at his bar. I knew Kevin wouldn't approve of me hanging out with him or asking questions about his lifestyle but I had to try.

"Anna! Long time no see. Thought you forgot about me," Kevin smiled.

"Hey Kevin," I said and sat down.

"Although I miss you a bunch, I am glad you don't come around anymore. All that drinking you did was worrisome," Kevin chuckled.

"Yeah, we'll talk about me attending AA meeting later. I just came here because I wanted to ask you about Isaac," I said.

Kevin's face went dark. "Why are you asking about him? Did he do something to you?"

"Oh no, nothing like that. Well, we kinda became good friends so I figured I should know more about him. He is just so secretive about his life," I said.

"Well, I don't know much about him either. He stayed in the room above and was mostly very quiet. Never had visitors," Kevin shrugged.

Ah, maybe I should go take a look at that room.

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