4. Coffee Date

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I forced myself to stop thinking about the incident and move on. I took a couple of days off to rest then went back to my job at the bookstore cafe. I felt better as soon as the sweet smell of coffee hit my nostrils.

"Anna, hi!" Josh beamed when he saw me.

Josh works as the cashier at the bookstore. He was a couple of years younger than me and was my only friend. Who also happens to have a massive crush on me. He had tried to ask me out a few months after David's death which I politely declined. I couldn't imagine Josh as anything other than a friend. I hope one day he will meet someone who will fall for him.

"Good morning," I smiled briefly and quickly turned away from him. I tried my best to cover up my bruises with makeup but I still looked like a mess. The cut on my lower lip started to scab and it was even harder to cover up. I strode over to the cafe and started to organize everything.

"Something wrong, Anna?" Josh walked up to me shortly after.

"Eh..nothing?" I said hesitantly.

His eyes landed on my lips and his mouth formed into an 'o' as he saw my injury.

"Jesus Anna, what the hell happened? Who did this to you?" Josh demanded to know.

"No one! I fell down the stairs. You know how clumsy I am!" I claimed. I didn't want to tell him what happened because I knew he would be making a big deal out of it. He'll probably insist on walking me to places. I won't have any privacy left.

Josh looked at me intently. I knew he didn't believe me. But he didn't say anything else and went back to work.

The doorbell chimed indicating a customer walking in. Someone walked over to the counter and stood in front of me. I looked up to see who it was and my heart stopped.

It was him, no doubt about it. The guy from the bar. The guy who saved me.

I didn't realize how big he was as he was sitting down when I first saw him.

He was at least 6 foot 5 with a broad chest and muscular arms. He was wearing a white shirt with a dark brown jacket and jeans. He had shoulder-length black hair just like I remembered from the bar. He didn't tie it in a ponytail this time so it was messy and a few strands of hair scattered on his forehead. His lips looked soft and kissable. I blushed for unintentionally thinking that. What caught my attention the most were his eyes. They were big and impossibly dark. They looked almost black. I've never seen eyes that looked so black and soulless. They made me shiver.

"G...good morning," I stammered slightly. I didn't know why I felt nervous all of a sudden.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked. He had a nice voice, it was deep and husky. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he sounded warm and gentle.

"I feel fine," I said quietly.

He brought his hand out suddenly then cupped my cheek. I was too stunned to make any movement. He gently grazed my lower lip with his thumb without touching my wound, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Your bruises seem to be healing well," he said and removed his hand. I suddenly missed the warmth of his touch. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Take care of yourself," he said and started to walk away.

The spell broke as I saw him walk away and I came out of my trance. I couldn't let him leave without thanking him!

"WAIT!" I yelled and ran after him.

Saving Anna LynchWhere stories live. Discover now