33. Blood and Emotions

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I couldn't help but notice how upset Josh looked when he saw me with Isaac. I saw him walk away after Isaac left. I hope he didn't confront him. I didn't want any trouble between the two since I cared about both of them in different ways.

I want you to stop seeing that guy Anna," Josh announced when we went on our lunch break.

"That guy?" I looked at him questioningly.

"You know who, Isaac! I have bad feelings about him," Josh said.

"Isaac would never hurt me Josh, so don't worry about me," I said.

"Why are you defending him, Anna? What's so special about him?" Josh demanded to know.

"I think I like him," I said quietly. There was no point in hiding my feelings now.

"You like him! You can't be serious. I thought we had something special!" he exclaimed.

"Josh...I'm sorry. I just don't feel that type of connection with you. I'd like us to remain friends. That's all," I said. I hope I wasn't being too harsh but I didn't want to string him along anymore. Josh is a good guy, he deserves better than that.

"That's fucking bullshit. How could you do this to me? After all I've done for you!" Josh cried.

"Josh...please..." I tried to calm him down but he walked out of the store and left.

What does he mean by after all he had done? I was confused.

It made me sad to reject him like this but I have no choice.

I went home feeling down and exhausted. Isaac wasn't home yet so I decided to make myself a cup of tea and watch a movie.

The door opened all of a sudden then I saw Isaac coming in. I stood up to walk over to him.

"No..don't come any closer," he said, putting his hand in front of me.

"Why not?" I was confused.

"Eh..nothing, I just...smell bad?" he said. His face was pale and his mouth was twisted into a frown like he was in pain.

"What kind of weird excuse is that? What are you hiding?" I said and strode toward him despite his protests.

I gasped as I saw the blood on his side. It was definitely his blood this time as I could see it oozing out.

"Isaac, what the hell?" I cried and lifted up his shirt.

He had a deep would on his abdomen that looked like a stab wound.

"You need to go to the hospital!" I exclaimed.

"No! I can't..." he said uncomfortably.

"But you are hurt," I said.

"I know but if I go to the hospital they will inform the police and I can't have that," Isaac insisted.

That's right, he wasn't a normal person. I remembered instantly. "Okay, let me help at least," I said. He nodded in agreement.

I got my first aid kit out and started to clean his wound. He didn't even flinch as I poured alcohol on it.

"This will scar," I said as I bandaged it.

"One of many," he let out a bitter laugh.

"Isaac," I said quietly.

What?" he asked?

"Can't you stop doing whatever it is you are doing? This seems dangerous and what if..." I couldn't finish.

"You worrying about me dying?" he smirked.

"Can you blame me? I already lost someone I love once! So excuse me for worrying," I cried. My heart was already starting to feel heavy.

"So what if I do? What do I mean to you?" Isaac asked and stared at me intently.

What does he mean to me? I am scared to find out.

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