11. A Visit from a Relative

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"Liliana!" I cried. Liliana had always been bold. She didn't care what people thought about her and said whatever was in her mind. A quality I wished I possessed.

"What? I have the right to know why a Greek God is playing with your dog," she said casually.

Isaac cleared his throat. His eyes were twinkling with amusement.

"Hello, I am Isaac. You are?" he asked and held his hand out.

Liliana didn't hesitate to grab it. "I'm Liliana, Anna's younger sister," she said.

"It's nice to meet you. Well, I don't want to get in the way of you catching up. I'll see you later, Anna," Isaac said and walked out of the house. I closed the door behind him.

"Okay, explain," Liliana demanded to know.

"Um...I got a new roommate?" I shrugged.

"Are you freaking kidding me? You mean to tell me, you are living with that beautiful beast of a man?" Liliana looked shocked.

"Is it really okay to objectify him like this? I mean I guess he is kind of cute..." I said uncertainly.

"Kind of cute? You are joking, right? Or did grief made you completely blind? That man is not cute. He is a total hunk," Liliana said.

"Sounds like someone has a crush on my new roommate," I laughed.

"Why, do you think I have a chance? Is he single?" Liliana wanted to know.

"Yes, but..." I hesitated.

"You two aren't dating or anything are you?" she asked.

"What! No way! I can't imagine being with anyone other than David," I said.

Liliana's eyes turned sad at the mention of David's name. "I know you loved him so much Anna, but it has been a year already and you are still so young. There's nothing wrong with thinking about moving on at this point,"

"Don't, okay? I can't," I said. My voice shook with emotions. Being with another man never crossed my mind. He was the love of my life.

"So where did you find this guy?" Liliana asked, changing the subject.

"It was by chance. I just figured it'll be good to have someone in the house so I'm not completely helpless," I said.

"You are right about that, this area is a shit hole. I can't believe you lived here this long," Liliana shook her head.

"Hey! That's my home you are talking about!" I said and laughed. Liliana had always been outspoken about how much she hated this area which is why I didn't tell her about the incident. She surely would've kidnapped me and try to force me to move out.

"Do you think I have a chance with him?" Liliana asked.

"Chance with who?" I was confused.

"HIM! Isaac, your hunky roommate," Liliana said.

I didn't think about Liliana being interested in him like that. But I can understand her interest. Liliana had always been into the tall, dark, and handsome types. I wasn't sure how I felt about her liking him though. I knew if she asked him out there were no reasons why he would deny her. Liliana was beautiful. Not like me, the average Anna. But it was hard to tell since he just seemed so....unapproachable.

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