51. A Friendly Advice

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I opened the door and low and behold it was detective Martin alongside two other officers. He had a grim expression on his face.

"I am afraid you might be into some serious trouble Ms. Lynch," detective Martin said after I invited them in.

"I don't understand," I pretended to be oblivious.

"We have a reliable source that said Isaac Walker lives in this house. The initials on the murder weapon were I.E.Walker. So, as you can tell, we have a good reason to think it belongs to him. What do you have to say about that?" detective Martin stared at me, hard.

"He lives here as my roommate. I don't know everything about him," I said. I won't let him sway me.

"You mean to tell me you let a complete stranger live with you?" the detective furrowed his eyebrows.

"Special circumstances led me to make that decision," I replied.

"We have a reason to believe that he was much more than your roommate. You were lovers," he said flatly.

"Did your reliable source tell you that?" I said. I won't admit to anything. "Look, detective, I don't know anything about him owning that knife. He left the house and didn't come back so I don't know where he is. So, if that's it, you should leave, or are you telling me I am in trouble? Do I need to call a lawyer?" I said.

"No, Ms. Lynch, we don't have any evidence that you are involved. But remember, I'll be watching you closely from now on." With that, the detective got up and left.

How did the police know about him so fast? I thought. There was no way they could've figured out whose knife it was in that short amount of time. Someone must've called them shortly after and planted that information to get Isaac arrested.

My phone rang and it was Josh calling. Finally. I wondered if he knew about Kevin's murder.

"Anna! Are you okay? I heard about Kevin's death. The police called me this evening and asked me questions," he said.

"I am not okay," I sobbed. "I was the one who found Kevin's body. Oh god...it was so horrible," I said.

"I am coming over to your house right now. Hang in there Anna," Josh said and hung-up the phone before I could protest.

He arrived in less than ten minutes. "Oh Anna, I am so sorry. I know he loved you like his own daughter," Josh said and hugged me.

"I loved him too. I can't believe someone would kill him like that. It doesn't make any sense," I shook my head in dismay.

"I know who killed him," Josh said gruffly.

"What are you talking about?" I was surprised and confused.

"It was Isaac! I am sure of it!" Josh cried.

"JOSH! What the hell are you saying?" I looked at him wide-eyed.

"The police asked me about the knife. I knew right away it was his," he said.

"It was you who told them about it! How could you?" I cried. "He has no reason to kill Kevin."

"I beg to differ. I saw him arguing with Kevin the other day. About you! Isaac must be obsessed with you so he is willing to eliminate anyone who would get in between you and him," Josh sneered.

"That's ridiculous," I protested.

"Is it? He is a criminal, Anna. You are too blind to realize that. He killed Kevin and I'll make sure he gets caught," Josh insisted. "Word of advice Anna, don't trust people so easily."

What Josh told me wasn't too far fetched but I refused to believe Isaac would do something like that. Maybe I was blind after all.

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