24. Date Night

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"You are going on a date with that twerp?" Isaac said gruffly.

"Again with the twerp! We are adults here Isaac," I laughed.

"Whatever," he said dismissively. "Why are you going with him? I thought you only look at him as a friend," he said.

"I do...I am just tired of being alone and miserable all the time. He had been wanting to go out with me for a while but I kept rejecting him. I figured I'd give him a chance at least. Maybe he'll be good for me," I said.

"Whatever you think is best for you," he said. His eyes looked sad. I wonder what was wrong with him. He seemed okay just a minute ago.

"Just know that if he hurts you I'll break his bones," Isaac said glumly.

My heart skipped a beat when he said that. I should be mad at him for making threats against my friend but I couldn't help but smile at his protectiveness over me.

On the night of my date with Josh, I tried to decide what to wear. I thought about wearing something casual since it was only Josh. I rummaged through my closet and came across a red dress that I've never worn before. It was just one of those sleeveless classic red dresses that hugged your curves.

I used to wear these types of dresses on our date nights when David was alive

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I used to wear these types of dresses on our date nights when David was alive.

Now that he was gone, I practically gave up on looking good. What was the point anyway? Maybe I should change that. I shouldn't treat Josh like he was a nobody and make actual efforts. I decided to wear the dress for our date tonight.

So I did. I put on the dress and paired it with some matching pumps. I curled my long blonde hair so it would look soft and beachy. I put on some light makeup and red lipstick to complete the look. I looked in the mirror to check myself out.

Not bad, Anna, I thought. I may not be as beautiful as Liliana but I cleaned up nice.

I decided to wait in the living room as Josh would show up any minute now.

Pretty soon the doorbell rang so I hurried to open it.

"Wooow Anna, you look amazing!" Josh exclaimed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"I am so glad I made a reservation at a nice restaurant because you look like a million-dollar," he added.

"You flatter me, shall we go?" I asked.

"We shall," Josh said and bowed dramatically. I laughed and took his hand so he can escort me to his car.

I found myself having a good time at dinner. We ate, laughed, and exchanged good memories. Maybe going out with Josh wasn't such a bad idea after all.

We finished our date at around 10 pm. Josh drove me home and parked in front of my house to say goodnight.

"I had a good time with you Anna, Just like I knew I would," Josh said.

"Me too, that was fun," I smiled. "Thank you for taking me out on a date. I'm sorry I've been avoiding it," I said.

"I understand," Josh said and leaned closer to kiss me but I pulled back.

"Um...I'm not ready for that I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh okay," Josh said. I could tell he was disappointed but it was too soon for me.

I said goodbye again and went inside the house. I really did have a great time and was feeling good about myself. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me so I turned around and found myself staring into a pair of dark eyes.

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