5. Returning the Favor

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"Waaaiitt!" I screamed again, forcing him to stop walking. We were both standing in front of the store as I had to run outside to catch him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Uh...um...I just wanted to say thank you! For...taking me to the hospital and saving me," I said hurriedly.

His lips twisted into a smirk. He had dimples in both of his cheeks when he smiled. Cute.

Cute? I must be out of my mind right now. There was nothing cute about this intimidating-looking human being.

"Oh, that. No thanks are necessary. You looked like you needed a hand. Those guys were real assholes," he said.

Asshole doesn't begin to describe those pieces of shits.

"Still, how can I ever repay you?" I asked again.

"As I said, I don't need you to repay me. I helped you because I had to. Just do me a favor and don't walk alone at night, especially when you are drunk. I might not be there to help you next time." he said and stared at me with those intense eyes.

"I won't. But I really don't feel good about letting you go like this. I feel like a simple thank you isn't enough," I insisted.

"Alright, if that's how you feel. How about you take me out to dinner tonight?" he said and smirked.

"You...you want me to take you out?" I asked. Surprised by his request.

"To dinner. Just once. Better yet, you should cook for me. I haven't had a home-cooked meal in years," he announced.

"I suppose I could...." I hesitated.

"Unless you don't feel safe inviting me into your home?" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Are you a robber?" I chuckled nervously.

He came closer and towered over me. "A lot of people are afraid of me," he said quietly.

"Sh...should I be?" I asked.

"That's up to you. Just remember, I am twice your size. I can overpower you easily. I can even snap you in half, like a twig," he said in a menacing tone.

I should be scared but for some reason, I still felt secured around him despite his crazy choice of words.

"If this is your way to convince me to invite you for dinner, I am convinced," I said. "You are officially invited for a home-cooked meal at the Anna Lynch resident. How does 8 PM sound?"

"Sounds doable," he said and smiled. "Here's my card. Just text me your address and I'll be there."

He walked away. I watched him until he disappeared into the alley. Did I just make a huge mistake by inviting him into my home? Just because he saved me from some low life criminals doesn't mean he couldn't be dangerous also. Especially when he looked so intimidating! I feel like I am turning stupider every day.

But I still felt grateful towards him and I wanted to repay him for his kindness. Besides, I already promised him dinner. And I am not the one to break promises.

I read the card he handed me. It read:

Isaac E. Walker

Giacomo Inc.


Hmm...Giacomo Inc. I wonder what that is. I've never heard of that company before. I made a mental note to google it later. I went back to work and started to think about what to cook for him tonight.

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