56. The Confession

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I screamed thinking Isaac was hit by the bullet but to my surprise and relief, he was still standing, without an ounce of pain on his face.

"You missed, asshole," Isaac gritted his teeth and ran towards Josh. He grabbed his hand and twisted it, knocking the gun off in the process.

Josh yelped and tried to fight back but Isaac overpowered him and grabbed his throat. "I guess you are not much of a fighter. You are only good at murdering defenseless people in secret. Like a goddamn coward," Isaac snarled.

"Fuck you," Josh said. He could barely speak as he was choking.

"I'd love to crush your little skull right now but I need you to stay alive and clear my name. So tonight is your lucky night," Isaac said and threw him on the floor.

"Call the police. I have his confession ready to go," Isaac told me.

I nodded and quickly dialed Detective Martin's number.

He showed up in a few minutes with two other officers. He stared at Isaac with surprise as he had Josh pushed against the wall.

"What's going on?" Detective Martin demanded to know.

"Found your killer, Martin," Isaac smirked.

"This guy?" Detective Martin asked. He looked like he didn't want to believe him.

"It's true! He killed Kevin. And he admitted to killing my late husband, David," I said and started to cry again. Isaac quickly strode toward me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I have proof. He confessed to everything and I recorded everything," Isaac said.

"Well, that's too bad. I was hoping I got you this time, Isaac," Detective Martin shook his head.

I was confused. "I am sorry, do you guys know each other?" I asked.

"Detective here has been trying to catch me for several murders for months. I keep telling you detective, I am innocent," Isaac grinned.

"Don't get too cocky on me, son. I'll get you next time. Let's just take care of this mess for now," Detective Martin said grimly and put handcuffs on Josh's hands.

"You'll pay for this Isaac! I'll come back and get you back. I promise!" Josh yelled as they pulled him away.

After all the formalities were done, Isaac and I were left alone.

"Is it finally over?" I sighed.

Isaac embraced me tightly and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "Yes, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay now. You don't have to be scared anymore," he said gently.

"I can't believe Josh did that. He...he killed David. They were friends! David trusted him!" I cried.

"Shh...stop thinking about it. He'll be punished for what he did. I'll make sure of it. What matters now is you are safe," Isaac said.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Thank you for not leaving me and helping me."

"I'd never leave you. I love you so much, Anna," he said. His voice was thick with emotion and his eyes were full of love for me.

"I love you too. I think I finally got the closure I needed. I hope Josh rots in prison," I said.

"I hope so too," Isaac said.

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