20. Hanging out with Friends

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Isaac and I got a few weird looks from the people at the bar as soon as we walked in. I must look ridiculous standing next to a tall and muscular guy like him. I can just imagine. Isaac doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all. He had a stoic expression on his face the whole time and he even put his hand on my back to lead me inside.

He must be used to people staring. His aura screams do not touch me or talk to me, loud and clear.

We went over and found our seats at the bar and waited for Josh and the others. Kevin looked at us with a surprised expression on his face. I guess he didn't expect us to walk in together. We aren't exactly the kind of people to become friends.

"Anna? Isaac? You two know each other?" Kevin asked.

"Yes!" We both answered at the same time.

"Okay...where did you two meet?" Kevin asked.

"Right here!" We answered at the same time again which made me giggle.

"Okay, this is creepy, stop copying me," I scolded Isaac.

"I am not doing it, you are doing it, so just stop answering and let me do the talking," Isaac chuckled.

Kevin stared at us intently like we came from the outer space. I wanted to say something else but stopped when I saw Liliana, Josh, and Marisol walk in. Marisol was Josh's cousin who occasionally joined us for drinks.

"Anna!" Liliana screamed then ran up to me to give me a hug. Josh and Marisol joined us right after.

"So...everyone, this is Isaac," I introduced him.

"It's good to see you again, Isaac," Liliana said and winked. She didn't waste any time and changed into the flirty mode.

"It's good to see you too beautiful," Isaac smirked. He was flirting back after I specifically told him not to! He is so dead.

Josh looked at him suspiciously. "Say, didn't I see you at the coffee shop the other day?" he asked.

"You may have, that's were our beautiful friendship blossomed," Isaac said and put his arms around my shoulders all of a sudden. I slowly took them off of me. I don't want them to get the wrong idea.

"I see, how long have you guys been seeing each other?" Josh inquired.

"We haven't been seeing each other," I protested. "Isaac and I are just friends.

"With benefits?" Marisol chimed in.

"NO! Just friends," I quickly corrected her.

Isaac looked slightly hurt from my quick and firm denial but I didn't care.

Kevin walked over to us and served us drinks. "Hey Anna, can I speak to you in private?" he asked.

"Sure Kevin, be right there," I said and excused myself from the group.

"What are you doing hanging out with Isaac?" Kevin whispered after pulling me to the side.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? What's so horrible about Isaac?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"He is just...not a good company. He is involved in some type of illegal activities. I wouldn't be surprised if he was working for a crime syndicate or something. I think he is dangerous. I only let him live above the bar because he paid for it and mostly kept to himself. I never would've imagined you of all people would become friends with him. I would stay away from him if I were you," he said.

Oh, Kevin, it is much too late for that old man.

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