41. Curiosity Kills the Cat

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I rummaged inside my purse to take my cellphone out but paused when I felt the piece of paper. It was the letter from Isaac's mother who was supposedly dead. I forgot I put it there. I took it out and looked at it for a moment. I wondered what he would say if I straight out asked him about it. Would it anger him?

I decided to just go for it. If he claimed to love me and want a relationship from me than he shouldn't have a problem sharing his past with me. Besides, I was already in danger because of him so if I need to know more about him to see if it's even worth being with him anymore.

I made dinner and waited for the right time to ask.

"Wow, everything looks good. What's the occasion?" Isaac asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to cook something nice for us," I smiled. In reality, I was buttering him up so he wouldn't get too angry about me prying into his business.

"Isaac, I need to ask you something," I said quietly after we were done eating.

"What's up?" he asked. His black eyes bored into mine.

I hesitated. "Um...well so you know how you told me your parents died?" I asked.

"Yes?" he said.

"I just..I found something that belonged to your mother and I want to know why did you lie to me?" I asked straight out.

Isaac went silent and looked like he was deep in thought. I hope I didn't just screw myself.

"What did you find?" he demanded to know.

"Isaac, I am really sorry but I went snooping inside your old room on top of the bar because I couldn't contain my curiosity about you. I couldn't find anything at first but then I saw this," I said and handed him the letter.

He took the letter and looked at it. His face was dark and grim. I could tell he was upset and I don't blame him.

"Is she your mother?" I asked.

"Yes," he said quietly.

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked.

"It's because...well, I didn't want you to know anything about my childhood," he said.

"But why not?" I cried. "I thought you said you love me!"

"I do! Which is why you can't know. Because if you do, you'll think I am disgusting and leave me," he cried.

"What? That's ridiculous. I saw you kill someone and it didn't drive me away from you so why would anything else?" I said and hugged his waist. He buried his face on the crook of my neck.

"Isaac please, I want to know more about you. Why don't you want to see your mother?" I said.

"That witch is not my mother!" he exclaimed. "If you want to know so badly then ask her yourself. Because I won't talk about it as long as I live." he shoved the letter in my hand. "Go ahead, call her. Ask her what she did to me. I am sure she will tell you," he said. His face was flushed with fury. I shivered as I've never seen so angry and emotional before. He went inside his room and slammed the door shut.

I had a feeling that I should stop digging deeper into this but I have to know more. I was falling for him and the missing information from his life will drive me crazy. I took a deep breath and dialed the number on the letter.

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