47. Tell Me You Want Me

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A couple of weeks went by. I was still bummed out about Josh deserting our friendship over my relationship with Isaac. We had been friends for so long so I couldn't just forget about it and move on.

"Why do you look sad?" Isaac asked me on Wednesday afternoon.

"I just...I know you don't like Josh very much but he is a good friend of mine and he was always there for me when I needed it. We haven't talked since we had that argument and that upsets me," I said.

Isaac stared at me intently. "I understand. You want me to talk to him about it?" he asked.

"No, that might make things worse so don't worry about it. I'll figure something out," I smiled for the first time.

"Alright then. Cheer up or I'll have to use other methods to do that for you," Isaac smirked.

"And what would that be?" I raised my eyebrows. I could already sense which direction he was heading towards.

He moved closer to me and placed his hands on my waist. "You really wanna know?" he asked.

I wanted to say no but my body was already responding to his touch. How can he turn me on this much just by holding me and touching me?

"I kind of do?" I said in response to his question.

"You are a bad girl, Anna Lynch," he whispered in my ears then kissed my neck. My entire body shivered from awareness. I wanted him right now.

I gasped as he slipped his hand inside my skirt. "Oh..you are wet," he said.

"Tha....that's because..." I couldn't finish as he smashed his lips on mine and slipped his tongue inside of my mouth. My mind went blank as our tongues moved in sync.

"Sorry but I can't wait anymore," he said then roughly turned me around and bent me over on the couch. I could feel the heat radiate between my legs. I arched my back automatically as if my body had a mind of its own and wanted him inside of it.

"Do you want it?" he asked in a husky voice as he rubbed his penis on my clit.

I nodded as I was too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"No, I want you to say it. Out loud," he leaned over and whispered into my ears.

Ah, Isaac, you pervert, I thought to myself and smiled. But it was hard for me to wait as I was completely aroused.

"I want you," I said in a pained voice.

"You want me to do what?" He said, not budging.

"Ugh! I want you to put it inside of me. There, I said it. You happy now pervert?" I groaned.

Isaac laughed then roughly pushed his penis inside of me. I kept moaning as he went deeper inside with each thrust. I could feel the heat rising inside of my body. He was rougher than usual but I didn't mind it. My body craved him.

"I love you," he said gruffly and turned me around then continued to pump into me. He leaned down and sucked my nipples. I cried as he lightly bit it. 

"Ahh...I love you too," I said. My voice was barely a whisper.

"Can I come inside of you?" he asked and put my legs over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Y...yes," I said quickly. I wanted all of him tonight.

He leaned down then kissed me deeply. I couldn't hold it anymore. I screamed and gripped his back. Our entire body shuddered as we came together.

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