2. Don't Walk Alone at Night

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The cold air hit me on the face and I felt a little better.

My house was just a few blocks away so I didn't bother calling a taxi.

A young man in a tank top and shorts was standing next to a light pole. He grinned at me when I walked by him.

"Hey sexy mama, what ya doing walkin' by yourself this late? Need some company?" he said.

"No thanks," I said and kept walking.

I was wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of jeans. What part of it looked sexy to him?

"Oh come on, I just wanna talk. No need to be rude," he said and started to follow me.

I tried to walk faster. This wasn't the first time I was harassed by some hooligan. Living in an area like this makes you get used to things like that.

He kept following me as I walked faster. He was a lot taller so he could easily keep up with me. Darn these short legs!

Pretty soon we were walking side by side. He jumped in front of me and walked backward so he could talk to me face to face.

Please God, not tonight. I can't handle any more emotional distress.

"How bout you tell me your name and ya number? My name is Jake and I promise I'm a good company," he insisted.

"I...I am not interested. Please stop following me," I pleaded.

"I don't like your attitude lady. I'm being a nice guy and you are just being rude," the guy frowned and kept walking in front of me.

I heard another set of footsteps behind me. I hope this guy didn't have a friend whose about to join him to harass me. I was alone and drunk so that wouldn't go too well for me.

"What do we have over here Jakey?" someone spoke.

It was another guy wearing jeans and a leather jacket despite the warm weather.

"This broad thinks she is too good for me," Jake replied.

The other guy grabbed my arm which forced me to stop walking. "Is that right?" he asked. His eyes were full of hate. I shivered.

"That's not true. I just want to go home," I said. I felt an overwhelming sense of fear all of a sudden.

"She won't even look at me properly. Snooty bitch," Jake spit on the ground.

"Maybe we should teach her a lesson then?" The guy said.

"Please...just...leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you. You can have my purse. I don't have much money, but..." I held my purse in front of him but he slapped it on the ground.

"You think we some type of common street thugs you can buy with money bitch? You insulted my friend Jakey here now ya gotta pay the price for it," the guy said and gripped my arm harder.

I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to do what I did but now I know it was a mistake. I leaned down and bit the guy's hand as hard as I could.

He yelped and let go so I tried to run but Jake caught up to me easily and pushed me on the ground. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up then punched me hard on the side of my face.

"I got her Ace, come over here," Jake yelled.

Ace strode over to me then kicked me on the ribs. I groaned from the pain and fell back on the ground, holding my side.

My vision was blurry from pain and tears. I saw Jake pulling his shorts down and leaning over my body. "It's time ya learn not to mess with a man like me you stupid whore," Jake said. His lips twisted into a cruel smile.

I guess today is the day I get to die and be with you, David, I thought and closed my eyes.

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