44. Love and Sympathy

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I went home, hoping Isaac was still there. I sighed of relief when I saw his car on the driveway.

"Isaac, can I come in?" I asked as I stood outside his room.

He opened the door and motioned me to come inside.

"Did you go see her?" he asked. His eyes were dark with traces of anger and pain.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"She told you didn't she?" he said and looked away.

"Isaac...I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"Don't," he said grimly. "I didn't want you to know about my shameful and disgusting past. You must think I'm damaged goods now," he laughed bitterly.

I stared at him in shock. That was the last thing I thought. All I felt for him was pain and sympathy. And, love.

I flung myself at him and hugged him tightly. "Don't ever say stuff like that again. None of it was your fault. He hurt you when you were just a child," I said and kissed him.

He gripped the back of my neck and deepened the kiss. His mouth was hot and desperate like he wanted to erase all of his pain with the kiss.

"You still want to be with me?" he asked. I've never heard him sound so vulnerable before. It was as if he was scared of losing me. He reminded me of a little boy who was desperate for love and affection and it broke my heart.

"I'll never leave you, Isaac. Ever," I promised.

"Is it because you feel sorry for me now? I've never wanted to start our relationship like this," he said.

"No, it's because you are here for me to share my pain so I want to be here for you to share yours. I'm not going to lie to myself anymore," I said quietly. "I love you, Isaac."

"Even though I am a murderer?" he asked but the dark cloud was already lifting off of his face.

"Yes. Just don't tell my family about it," I smiled.

"You know you don't have to force yourself to love me just because I've been through childhood trauma. I'm over it really. It was decades ago." he said.

"I've fallen for you a while ago. I was just in denial because I felt guilty as if I was betraying David by being happy again," I said and tried to avoid his eyes.

"That's too bad Anna Lynch because I'm going to make you so happy that you won't be able to handle it," he said and stared at me intently. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer again then buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I didn't say anything else and held him tightly. I meant every word. I fell in love with him and I wanted to stay by his side until the end.

If pain is what brought us together then so be it.

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