55. Caught Red Handed

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Fear reflected in Josh's eyes as he saw Isaac standing there glaring at him. If looks could kill Isaac would be disintegrated into ashes right now.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down in tears and sat on the ground with my hands on my face. The guy I considered my best friend for 20 years killed the love of my life and the person I loved like a father. He betrayed me. All in the name of love.

Josh backed away as he saw Isaac walking towards him.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You are supposed to be on the run!" Josh exclaimed.

"I never left. I am a professional criminal, remember? I don't run," Isaac snarled.

"Well, you should run! I told the police that the knife belongs to you. They will find your fingerprints on it and confirm you as the killer," Josh said.

"You don't understand anything, do you Josh?" Isaac said. "You think a mere knife is enough to frame me? You underestimated my criminal status," he smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Josh asked.

"I am a professional killer, Josh. I can make a dead body disappear, just like that," Isaac said and flicked his fingers. "I have endless connections, money, and power to turn this whole thing around. You'll have to try a lot harder than this to put me behind bars. Besides, you just confessed to the whole thing. Not only did you confess to Kevin's murder, but you also confessed to David's murder. Rookie mistake," Isaac shook his head in disappointment.

"So what if I did?" Josh laughed nervously. "How will you prove it? Who is going to believe a criminal like you? Or her? The criminal's shameless lover!" he said and pointed at me.

"You are right, no one will believe me if they hear from me. But I am sure they will readily believe it when they hear it directly from your mouth," Isaac said.

"I will never confess it to the police. Even if you beat or torture me!" Josh declared.

"I don't have to," Isaac laughed. "I hid voice recorders all over this place. Your entire conversation is recorded," he said and stared at Josh intently.

"Y...you are lying," Josh said quietly. I could see he was afraid and nervous.

"Am I?" Isaac said. "Care to hear it yourself?" he said and held up his phone. He played back the conversation as it was recorded live and saved directly onto his phone.

"You bugged my place!" I exclaimed. I was suddenly gaining some strength. My overwhelming sadness was replaced by anger for Josh.

"I am sorry but I had to. I couldn't leave you here without some type of protection. I suspected Josh for a while now so I needed to prove it," Isaac said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"I knew you wouldn't have listened. You loved Josh as a friend and there was no way you would've suspected him," Isaac said.

"I won't let you win!" Josh screamed all of a sudden. "I did all of this for Anna. She is supposed to be mine!"

"Give it up, you piece of shit," Isaac growled.

"I will never love you! I hate you!" I screamed.

Josh ran inside the guest room and came back with a gun in his hand. "Fine, if that's how it's going to be, I will kill him and force you to come with me," he said and aimed at Isaac then pulled the trigger.

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