6. A Stranger in My Home

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After debating with myself in my head for four hours, I texted him my address. I decided to make some pasta as it was easy to make and David always told me my pasta was to die for. He would've definitely been against me inviting a strange man into my home. Even he himself wouldn't have done it. David always liked to play safe.

But it was too late now. I already gave him my address and bought groceries. After work, I started the preparation. I made some salad and garlic bread for the sides and pasta as the main dish. Hopefully, he was not a picky eater.

I thought about wearing a nice dress but rejected the idea. I didn't want him to get the wrong impression thinking this was a date. I haven't gone out on a date since David passed away and I have no intention to start. I don't need another man in my life. I settled with a casual white summer dress. I tied up my hair in a messy bun and kept my face free of makeup.

The bell rang right at 8 PM. A punctual man, huh? I quickly opened the door.

He leaned against the wall next to the door with a bottle of wine in his hands. He didn't smile but his eyes twinkled when he saw me.

"You made it," I said. "And you brought wine!" I said.

"Yup, I brought your favorite," he said and handed me the bottle.

"How did you know this was my favorite wine," I asked and stared at the bottle quizzically.

"I saw you down several glasses of this at the bar the other day alongside vodka tonic," he smirked.

Oh right. When I got drunk and embarrassed myself followed by almost got raped and beaten to death. Stupid Anna.

"Well, come in. Dinner is ready. I hope you like pasta," I said.

"Love it," he remarked and looked around the house. "You live here by yourself?" he asked.

I should lie and say I don't for my own safety but something told me I shouldn't lie to this man.

"Yeah..." I said.

He went over to the mantle and picked up the photograph of me and David when we went on a honeymoon to the beach.

"Does he not live here anymore?" he looked at me questioningly.

"He is dead," I said and looked away.

Isaac put the picture down and stared at me intently. I saw a glint of something in his eyes. Was it sympathy? Pity?

"I am sorry to hear that," his voice sounded deeper like he was sad for me.

"I...well...it's fine. No need to dwell on what's lost. Let's eat!" I tried to sound cheerful but my heart was feeling heavy already. I wish I could turn off my emotions anytime I wanted.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Starving," Isaac replied.

"Well great, because I made enough to feed four people. Which means it should be enough for you," I blurted out.

Oops! I think I just insulted him. I looked at him with wide eyes but he just had an amused grin on his face.

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean...I wasn't calling you fat. I meant you are really big and you could eat like four...I mean not that you might eat too much...Jeez...I am going to stop talking now," I stammered. My ears were burning hot and I was blushing profusely.

Shut your mouth now before it's too late, Anna Lynch!

Isaac stared at me for a second then burst out laughing. I looked at him in awe. He kind of looked beautiful when he laughed.

"Relax, I know I am big. It's all muscle mass without an ounce of fat, trust me," he winked.

Jeez..brag much? I thought but smiled. Thank god I didn't offend him.

"Now let's feed my giant appetite," he said as he sat down in front of me.

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