48. A Murder

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"I think I am going to try and reach out to Josh again. He can't stay mad at me forever," I said to Isaac.

"Do you really need to talk about another man when we are lying here naked?" Isaac said irritably.

"Isaac! I take my friendships very seriously!" I cried.

"Okay, sorry!" he smirked. "Can I help in any way?"

"No, I think I better handle it alone," I said.

"Fine. Let me know if he is mean to you again and I will handle him," Isaac said pointedly.

"You will do no such thing. I know what it means when you 'handle' someone. Just leave my friends alone, mmkay?" I said.

"Yes ma'am," Isaac chuckled.

He got up and started to get dress. "I gotta go do something for work. I might be gone the whole night. Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" he asked.

I almost asked where he was going but held my tongue at the last second. I knew his work was not an ordinary job so he'll most likely avoid the question or tell me something I didn't want to know. So I just nodded.

"I'll be fine. I have Elvis to take care of me," I smiled.

"Sounds good. I am just gonna go grab something from my room then head out," he said and went inside of his room. He came out of his room after a few minutes. His face was twisted into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He didn't answer and continued to search between the cushion on the couch and under the table.

"Looking for something?" I asked again.

"My lucky knife. I never go to work without it," he said. 

"Can't find it?" I asked.

"No. It was given to me by my adoptive father. Fuck...I hope I didn't lose it. It's engraved," he said.

"I am sure it'll turn up," I said reassuringly.

He planted a quick kiss on my lips then headed out the door.

I didn't have anything planned out so I decided to contact Josh. Maybe I'll invite him over so we can try and talk through things again.

Later in the day, I called Josh but it went straight to his voicemail. I waited for a few minutes and tried again. Still no answer.

I was feeling a little stressed so I decided to go to the bar. Maybe having a drink and talking to Kevin will help. He knew Josh as long as I did so maybe he can offer some advice.

I called a taxi and headed to the bar.

The sign on the bar was flipped to closed which I found odd. It was the middle of the week so there was no reason why the bar would be closed but it was dark inside. I tried the door and it opened easily.

"Kevin? Are you in there?" I shouted but no one answered.

That's weird, I thought. Kevin would never leave the bar open unattended. I knew Lisa was off on Wednesdays so he was the only one who was supposed to work at the bar.

I walked inside and started to look around. I decided to go to the back and check the kitchen. The kitchen was pitch dark so I started to feel my way around. I finally found the light switch and turned it on.

I squinted to adjust my eyes as the room turned suddenly bright. An ear-splitting scream escaped my throat as I stared at Kevin's bleeding body on the floor.

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