38. An Unexpected Visit

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"Sooo Liliana said that...you are w...way out m...my league," I could hardly speak as Isaac was caressing me in between my thighs. My mind was cloudy and my entire body was on fire.

"Is that so?" he said in his deep and sexy voice.

"Yes...she does have a p...point...ohhh!" he slipped inside of me suddenly, emitting a moan from within my throat.

I forgot what I was about to say and gripped the back of his neck as he thrust in and out of me.

He practically threw himself at me as soon as I got home. I wondered if his sudden urge to ravage me had anything to do with the little meeting between him and my sister.

"She couldn't be more wrong," he growled in my ears and continued to have his way with me. I was truly in deep trouble with this one.

The doorbell suddenly rang and interrupted us.

"Fuck..just ignore it," Isaac said in an annoyed tone.

"W...what if it's important? I should go check," I said while panting. Whoever was at the door was not willing to quit and leave. He or she kept ringing the bell every minute.

"Shit, fine. But we are continuing this later," he warned me then put me down. I tried to fix my dress as much as possible then headed to the front door.

I opened the door to find Josh standing there with a grim expression on his face.

"Josh? What brings you here?" I said and tried to act casual but I was still flustered from my act with Isaac.

"I need to talk to you about something," he said then paused and looked at me. "Are you okay? Why do you look flushed?" he asked.

"Oh..um..nothing, I am just tired from work I guess. Why don't you come in?" I said and invited him inside.

"Well, the reason I am here is because I learned some disturbing things about Isaac," he said and stared at me for my reaction.

Oh, here we go. Did he find out about Isaac's criminal activities? Too late Josh, I already know, I thought to myself.

He was about to say something more but stopped when he heard the shower running in the bathroom.

"Is there someone else here with you, Anna?" Josh asked.

"Never mind that for now, what did you come here to tell me?" I asked.

"I did some digging on him. Well, I have a friend in the FBI so he did the digging for me," Josh said.

"And?" I asked.

"He believes that Isaac works for Giacomo Inc.," he said.

I already knew that. It was in the business card Isaac gave me when we first met. What was the big deal?

"Yea, so?" I asked.

"Well, on the surface, it just looked like a regular shipping and handling company but my friend believes it's just a cover-up for a much bigger criminal organization. That means Isaac could be part of something very dangerous," Josh said.

Again, I already knew that. But I had to act surprised so Josh wasn't suspicious of me.

"You could be in real danger, Anna," Josh concluded.

"If the FBI knows about it why don't they do anything?" I asked.

"Because they don't have solid evidence. The owner of Giacomo Inc. is very good at covering their tracks.

"I see, well, I will keep my eyes open and be careful. Thanks for coming and telling me about it Josh. You are a good friend," I said and stood up.

Josh also stood up to leave.

"Who was that..oh hey Josh," Isaac said all of a sudden.

Fuck...I wish Isaac stayed in the shower a bit longer.

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