37. Family Secrets

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I sneaked upstairs when Kevin wasn't looking then went inside the room. The room was unoccupied now so it wasn't locked. It was a small room with a little cot and an end table. It looked more like a closet than a room. How did Isaac live in this hole! I was amazed.

I looked around the room and opened the end table's drawer. It looked empty. I stuck my hand inside and felt around just in case something was in the back. Low and behold, I felt a piece of paper in my hand so I pulled it out.

It was a letter.

Dear Isaac,

I know you will never forgive me for everything that happened to you when you were little. But I want you to know that I am really sorry and would like to make amends. Please contact me as soon as you can. I really need your help. My phone number is 525-995-2250.

Your mom,


That's weird. I thought he said his mother was dead? I wondered what made him lie to me. I took the letter and tucked it inside my purse. Maybe one day Isaac will trust me enough to tell me the truth about his family, I thought to myself. For now, I'll pretend like I never saw this letter.

I looked down on my phone and saw several missed calls from Liliana so I decided to call her back.

"Anna, what the hell!" she shouted as soon as I picked up.

"Huh? What are you talking about you?" I asked.

"Why did Isaac say he likes you. Since when, and why didn't you tell me?" she blurted out.

"He said that to you? Wait, when did you see him?" I questioned her.

"I ran into him at the gym. I tried to ask him out and he flat out rejected me! Then he told me he really likes you!" Liliana said.

I couldn't help but feel a little giddy about it. All my life, I had been overshadowed by Liliana's beauty. Boys always liked her more. Not that it mattered to me anyway since I was with David since high school.

"Um...yeah...I know," I said hesitantly. I am still not ready to tell her I was sleeping with him already.

"You know? Why the hell didn't you tell me? Do you like him?" Liliana sounded hysterical.

"I don't have to tell you my every business Liliana! So what if he likes me? What's so bad about that? I like him too!" I exclaimed.

"You do! Whatever happened to: I'll never get over David?" Liliana said. Her tone was suddenly harsh.

"Really? You are gonna drag his name into this? Weren't you the one told me to move on!" I said. I was already starting to feel upset. Why was she being like that?

"Yes! I am all for you to move on. But not with the guy I had my eyes on!" she blurted out.

"You are joking, right? You only met him twice and you don't know anything about him so why should I quietly step aside just because you have a little crush on him? You've always gotten everything you wanted Liliana, maybe this time I want things to be different. Sure, I am still not completely over David because he will always have a piece of my heart but I am allowed to like someone else without feeling guilty!" I said angrily.

"Whatever Anna, you know he is way out of your league," Liliana said and hung up.

I can't believe it. My own sister is spouting hatred against me over a guy she knows nothing about. It looks like I didn't know her as well as I thought I did.

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