18. Cleaning up the Mess

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I came out of my room later that night. The body was gone along with the rug and the broken table. Maybe Isaac has a cleaning business on the side of being a hitman. Besides the two missing items, the room was spotless.

Isaac was in the kitchen doing what appears to be cooking. He was wearing my apron on top of his white dress shirt. There was something sexy about a man wearing an apron, cooking dinner.

Stop it, Anna, he is not sexy! He just murdered someone. You should be calling the police right now, I scolded myself in my head.

"Oh, hey there," Isaac said and put the spatula down.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I thought I'd do something nice for you since I made you witness, you know what... " he said awkwardly.

"You mean the gallon of ketchup you spilled in my living room this afternoon?" I said casually.

His lips twisted into a smirk. "Yes, that."

"The dinner better be delicious," I frowned.

"It's going to blow your mind, trust me. I'm making steak," he said and pointed at the sizzling pan on the stove.

"Steak?" I gulped. "Please tell me that's not how you are getting rid of...you know what..."

His eyes widened as he figured out what I was insinuating.

"JESUS Anna! No. What the fuck? I'm not the goddamn Jeffrey Dahmer. That's fucking morbid. Why would you think that!"

"Sure, I'm morbid. Mr. I just killed a man but let's have steak for dinner," I cried.

Isaac looked at me for a moment then laughed.

"You are stranger than I thought, Anna Lynch," he said.

"Yeah well, I've probably gone crazy from grief but it'll come to your advantage so you should be happy. I am not planning on calling the cops as long as you keep me out of your business," I sighed.

"I'll try my hardest so this doesn't happen again. I truly apologize. Now, are you hungry yet?" he asked. His eyes were still twinkling from amusement.

The smell of steak was hitting my nostrils hard and I realized I hadn't eaten all day so I nodded in agreement.

Isaac made me a plate and placed it in front of me then stared into my eyes. His expression was unreadable but his eyes are gentle and loving. He looked like he was admiring me.

"I'll never have to worry about you judging me would I?" he asked.

I shook my head no as my mouth was too full to talk.

He just smiled and sat across from me.

"Stop looking at me and smiling like that. I still didn't forgive you for ruining my rug and breaking my expansive table you murderous son of a bitch," I sneered.

He chuckled again. "How about we go to the store tomorrow and pick another table out? I'll pay for everything obviously," he offered.

"It's a date," I said.

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