12. Late Night Laundry

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Liliana stayed for few hours then left around midnight. Isaac still wasn't back yet. I wondered what he does all day.

I couldn't sleep, so I decided to stay up and watch some TV. Elvis laid down by my feet in bed snoring lightly. I wish I was a dog then I wouldn't have to worry about anything in life.

I heard the front door open, then shut around 3 a.m. Elvis got up and ran out of the room to greet him.  Something made me get up to check on Isaac. Maybe part of me wanted a revenge on him for scaring me the other night!

I gasped when I saw the state he was in.

His hair was messy and had fallen all over his face. His face and neck was covered in blood. More blood splattered all over his shirt.

"A...are you okay?" I asked.

He looked at me like he was embarrassed to be seen like this and didn't say anything for a moment.

"I'm fine, I'm going to go wash up," he said and started to walk to the bathroom but I grabbed his arm.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No...it's not my blood," he said and looked away.  I could tell he didn't want to elaborate more. I remembered our deal about not being intrusive, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. 

I sighed. Leave it to me to invite a possible killer into my home.

"Take your shirt off, I'll throw it in the washing machine," I said while trying to keep my voice steady.

He took it off without hesitation. I started to feel flustered as I gazed at his tanned muscular body covered in tattoos. I had a sudden urge to touch his chest and abs to feel how hard it was. Gosh, when did I turn into a shameless and shallow person. I took the shirt off of his hands and forced myself to look away.

"I'll go take care of this while you wash off that b..blood," I said. My voice came out low and weak. I practically ran to the laundry room before he said anything else.

I sprayed the shirt with some stain remover and pre-soaked it so the blood will come out easier. My back was turned towards the door do I didn't see him come inside and stand behind me. I almost dropped the laundry detergent in my hand when I felt his hands on my shoulders.

"Anna," he said quietly. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. The warmth of his hands spread through my body and I felt goosebumps all over.

"Y...yeah?" I asked.

"You can ask me if you want," he whispered.

"Ask what?" I pretended to be oblivious.

"I know you want to know where the blood came from. You are obviously curious," he said and inched closer to my body.

"I..it's none of my business," I said quickly.

He turned me around and made me face him.

"I'll tell you if you ask because I can trust you, am I right to assume that?" he asked and stared at me intently.

"Yes...but...I don't wanna know," I said that even though I was dying of curiosity. But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat and I'm not about to get myself killed!

"As you wish, roomie," he smirked and let go of my shoulder. "It's probably for the best." he said then walked out of the room.

He is right. It's better not to know certain things.

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