40. Don't Threaten My Life

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Josh stared at me in shock, holding his right cheek with one hand.

"Y...you hit me," he said.

"How dare you force a kiss on me, Josh? You have no right!" I cried.

"Oh, so you are okay with that thug's dick inside of you but not okay with a kiss from someone who loves you?" Josh said cruelly.

"Fuck you! I slept with him because I wanted to! Ever heard of the concept of consent? What is wrong with you!" I shouted.

"Whatever Anna, you are making a huge mistake. Pretty soon you'll regret everything you are doing right now. Mark my words," Josh said and walked away.

I just stood there angry for a moment. This wasn't the Josh I knew. Josh I knew was kind and understanding. This Josh was forceful towards me and I didn't deserve that.

But I couldn't help but wonder, was I making a huge mistake like he said? I knew I was probably playing with fire by getting involved with Isaac but it's not like I was living my life in bliss before anyway. With Isaac, I can at least forget about my grief for a moment.

I started to walk home after wrapping everything up at work. I walked maybe 12 feet then all of a sudden, someone pressed their hands on my mouth and dragged me into an alley.

I tried to scream but my voice came out muffled.

"Don't you dare scream. I am going to turn around to face me real slowly. Okay?" a voice said so I nodded.

A man in his 20's stood in front of me. He had short black hair, scruffy beard, and large brown eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I demanded.

"How much do you know?" he asked as if I would automatically know what the hell he was talking about.

"I have no idea what you mean," I shrugged.

"How much do you know about Giacomo Inc.?" he clarified.

I suddenly noticed the tattoo on his neck. It was the same as Isaac's tattoo. They must be from the same clan.

"I..um...I don't know anything," I said.

"Bullshit! We know Isaac had been chummy with you lately. He must've told you about his career," he said. His grip on my shoulder tightened.

"Then why don't you ask him instead?" I said.

"Don't try to act cute with me. I could slice you up and cut him into pieces for betraying our boss," he threatened.

"Look, Isaac and I are....together. But he didn't give me any incriminating information about you guys. I just know what he does. If I wanted him to get him in trouble I would've gone to the police already but I didn't!" I cried. Hopefully, this guy believes me.

He stared at me for a moment. "Fine, I'll let you go for now but just remember, we are watching your every move. If I see you going to the police you are dead meat, capeesh?" he said and glared at me.

"I understand you loud and clear," I said quietly.

"Good, and let's keep this conversation between us," he said and let me go.

I was shaking after he left. It seems that now I might be in real danger.

Saving Anna LynchWhere stories live. Discover now