C H A P T E R 13

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                         J U L I A N

What do you wear on a date with your brother's girl?

I am so confused because I've never been on a date as a guy and I have no idea what guys do on a date and all that. I heard that guys don't put in a lot of efforts on a date but girls are the issue.

I'm only used to going on a date as a girl but now thanks to Jace, I'm going as a guy.

Ok, Julian, take a deep breath, you're not gonna die. It's just Maddie, it's just Maddie.

"Why aren't you ready yet? Do you want to keep your girl waiting?" Darcey asked

"You're the worst" I threw my hoodie on her

"Right, Orion wrote you a letter" She said

"Why on Earth would he write me a letter to me? Our phones are not for fancy" I groaned

"You know Orion and his save 1% of electricity, save the earth from global warming or something like that" She started braiding my hair in cornrows.

"Does he still have a crush on Jace?" I asked

"Of course, he's been saying that he's going to talk to Jace soon"

"Can't you talk him out of it?"

"Wow, you're such a great friend Julian. You know how shy Orion is and now he's mastering up the courage to tell Jace how he feels, you want to ruin it" She scolded me

"No you fool, sometimes I wonder what you do with your brain. Have you forgotten that I am Jace for now? If he confesses, he'll only be confessing to me and not my brother"

"Oh right that's true"

"Do you think I should do something?"

"Absolutely not, you're not to do anything. Let fate occur on it's own"

"You know, I don't actually believe in all this fate shit"

"You naive fool, fate is the reason why you're stuck being Jace. Fate has something in store for you and soon you'll know it"

"You're starting to sound like my grandmother. She's all about fate, fate, fate. The old lady can't even remember my name but she remembers every single thing about fate" I chuckled

"That old lady us right and you know it" She tied up the edges and tucked it in then she helped me place the wig properly.

"Good luck on your date" She waved at me.

"Thanks" I yelled

I hopped into my car and started driving to Maddie's. My phone started ringing and I connected my air pods to it. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Hey, Do you know where I am headed? Take a guess" I asked

"Chipotle, Target, Mc Donald's. I don't know man" Jace groaned

"Maddie's. Do you know why? I have a date with her" I said

He burst into laughter "Somehow, you've managed to do something that I couldn't"

"What do you mean?"

"How did you manage to woo Maddie to go on a date with you?"

"Ok first of all, you have very gross choice of words and I made her mad so I have to take her on a date before she hates you forever"

"You're going on a date with her?Why do you sound depressed this seems more like a punishment to her than it is to you" He burst into laughter

"I feel like a fool because here I am trying my best not to destroy your reputation and you're not even caring"

"Aww, thank you baby sis" He made kissing sounds

"Stop making those sounds, it's really gross"

"I'm gonna go so that you won't be late for your date"

"You fool" I hung up and dialed Maddie.

"Yo Mads, I'm pulling up in your driveway come on out and hop in my ride" I said

"Mads? Is that a new nickname or something?" She asked

"Yeah sure, whatever"

"I'll be down in a sec" She said before hanging up.

It sure doesn't seem like a sec anymore. I have been waiting in her driveway for about half an hour and there's still no sign of her. I'm starting to loose my patience. I should be at home watching my favorite marathon  or TV show will eating a nice bowl of extreme sour war heads.

After what seemed like hours, she came out. If I was Jace, I'd already be turned on by her appearance but it's just good old Julian. She was wearing a low cut dress that showed way too much cleavage. The dress is really short with a very high slit that showed off waist and side hips.

She was practically naked. My mind wandered to what Jace would have done if he saw her. I'm sure he would have ripped it.

"You look great" I said because I figured it'd be weird if Jace doesn't compliment her.

"You don't look too bad yourself" She said after taking a good look at me. I opened the door for her and jumped into the driver's seat. Gosh, I hate my life a lot.

We arrived at Fleming's prime steakhouse and wine bar. I feel like it's one of the nicest restaurant in North Carolina. I placed my hand on her lower back and walked in. I wasn't comfortable holding her so I stuffed my hands in my pocket instead.

We took a seat and started going through the menu. We order some prime ribs and shrimp. We talked about random stuffs over our food and I'm kind of glad that it's Maddie that my brother likes because I know a lot about her.

After our food, we went to a nice spot that we can watch the stars from.

"Do you miss Julian?" She asked me

"Yeah, of course" I swallowed a lump in my throat "I mean, I know she's kind of annoying and drives me crazy but she's one of the few bright rays in my life"

"Wow, the QB loves his sister a lot" She wrapped her arms around my neck.

I started swallowing the lumps in my throat. I know what she's trying to do. No,no God please don't let this happen.

I closed my eyes and hoped that she would let me go but instead, I felt a pair of warm lips on mine.

Gross, I'm kissing Maddie.

She sucked on and bit my lips and I just stood there frozen and shocked. My first kiss is with a girl.

No, What on Earth is this?

Thanks for this chapter.


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