C H A P T E R 14

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                        J U L I A N

Did I just kiss a girl? I've seen people do it a lot and all that but I'm not liking it. Don't get me wrong, I love gay pride and I love people who are proudly gay but that doesn't mean that I'm gay.

The worst part is that my first kiss isn't even with a gay girl which makes it better but with a straight girl who is nuts for my brother.

What have I gotten myself into this time?

"What's wrong?" She asked when she saw that I wasn't doing anything.


"You didn't kiss me back" She said

"Um...I have a mouth sore" I'm definitely going to get a mouth sore after kissing her.

"Ew, Why didn't you say it before I kissed you?" She rubbed her mouth in disgust.

"Ya didn't give me much of a choice" I yelled

"If I get infected, I'm gonna kill you"

"You know, you're not the brightest cookie in the jar are you?" I asked


My God, she's dumber than Jace.

"Nevermind, let's get you home" I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to my car. I got in and drove away.

"Make sure to get your mouth treated. I'll also take some test for sores and I'll send you the result" She waved at me and went in.

I didn't know that there was such a thing as a senseless pretty girl till Maddie. She's the true definition of a beautiful girl without a brain.

"Darcey, I need to flush my mouth. Is that your ear flusher thingy still working?" I went over to the sink and started washing my mouth.

"Whoa there, What happened?" She just took a bath and looked clean while I was soaked in dirt.

"I kissed Maddie" I covered my face in disgust

"You what?"

"I kissed Maddie. If it was some other stranger, I won't be freaking out like this but Maddie, Jace's Maddie. I kissed the same lips that Jace kissed" I felt bile rising up in my throat as my mind flashed back to the kiss.

"Just calm down and take a deep breath" Darcey said

I exhaled deeply and took a seat.

"Now think of it as a regular thing that happens" She rubbed my back

"This is nothing like anything that happens to me" I grabbed my forehead in frustration

"Well, you're going to have to deal with it because it has happened already but there's only one way that you can prevent this from happening again" She said

"And that is?"

"Tell Maddie the truth"


"You're gonna have to or else to the next time, you'll take her to bed"

"Gross, ok I'll talk to her tomorrow after class"

"Tomorrow? Julian don't tell me you don't know what's happening tomorrow" Her jaw dropped

"Stop exaggerating, you know I'm kind of ignorant" I admit that I'm a little ignorant but that's only to stupid things I don't care about.

"The football and cheerleading team are going on a sorority camp fest"

"Oh yeah, Jace usually goes for that but why is it held?"

"It's a general thing that all schools taking part in the championship go for. It's usually for three days and it's considered as the last days to really have fun before the championships begin. It is a chance to escape from jam-packed timetables and tiring trainings"

"Wow, sounds like fun"

"It is, I've gone on it before as an errand girl"

"Alright, so I'll go pack up and talk to her"

"Be very careful, you know you'll have to share a log cabin with boys. Don't blow it and whatever you do, don't drink anything with alcohol" She said

"Ok Mom" I rolled my eyes

"Well excuse me for caring about my best friend" She shot me a death glare.

"I love you" I hugged her

I slept with her because I'll miss her a lot.

"Wake up sleepy head" Someone said. I turned to face the other side and hid my head under the pillow. This is even more annoying than my alarm clock.

The noise died down and I continued my sleep.

"Splash" Darcey dunked a bucket of water on me.

"Hey, What gives?" I yelled

"It was the only way that you'd wake up" She stuck out her tongue

"Why do I have to wake up early? I'm Jace remember? I never go to school early" I groaned

"Moron, Don't you have a sorority camp fest to attend?" She asked

Shit! I completely forgot about it. I hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I washed up and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and took my suitcase.

Darcey dropped me off at school. She went through the other gate so that it won't look like she was with Jace.

I circled the block and saw a large bus. Some people were already on the bus. I saw Derek and Rico, they looked really worried and were staring at their phones.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said

"Where were you?" Derek asked


"What do you mean huh? The bus was due to leave at eight thirty am and this Eleven. We've been trying to reach you but you weren't picking up"

"Oh I'm sorry, my phone was on silent mode" I scratched my neck.

"Will you guys quit yelling at Jace and get in? My makeup is getting ruined because the cheap driver doesn't want to start the bus" Whitney yelled

"Get on man" I got on the bus and put my suitcase in place. I looked around and there was only one vacant seat. It was beside Laverne, oh gosh, this going to be an extremely long trip.

I sat down beside him.

"Hey" I said to him

He raised his hand to me as a form of greeting. He was watching something on his phone and he was as clustered up beside the mirror.

I wanted to ask him what he's watching but knowing Andrew, he won't answer me. I bet he's watching porn.

It won't make sense if a playboy like him doesn't watch porn. I closed my eyes and decided to take a quick nap.


Thanks for reading.


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