C H A P T E R 71

16 1 1


I didn't want to move to North Carolina. I had a perfect care free life and all that back home at New York.

I just completed my high school but I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with my future. I think I want to go to a prestigious college.

I got accepted into Stanford but I'm not sure if that's where my great beginning will actually start from. I'm just going to spend this summer enjoying life to the fullest.

Everything about this summer seemed cliche and ordinary except this weird yet pretty girl I ran into a particular night.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice the obstacle in front of her. I don't know why but I got the sudden need to protect her.

Something about the way she stared into my eyes made me realize that she's not just going to be a regular girl that I run into every other day.

That night was weird and uncomfortable even for me but for some reason, I couldn't get her out of my head. I needed to see her even if it was just once.

As if the world was listening in on my rants, I met her the next day. She was at the food court in the mall. Normally, I would act like we have never met before and that she's a total stranger but suddenly, I wanted to do the exact opposite.

I went up to her and honestly, I thought she was in a tight spot and not a good mood in general last night which is why she was so weird and akward but I was wrong.

It's either she has psychological issues or she's a shy person. She just nodded her head and walked away.

I thought seeing her would help me forget about her but it only increased my desire to see her.

She might be a strange girl but she's not as dumb as she acts. Unlike other girls who'd gladly show me their homes and even go as far as to invite me in, she had me drop her at an intersection which is pretty clever.

I really wanted to see her house so that maybe I can visit her sometime but that didn't work out. I wondered if I'd ever see her again but when I saw a little notebook on the floor of my car, I knew that I'd found my one way ticket to seeing her again.

All of my clothes are cringe worthy at this point. They're either too classy, too casual, too scaly, too glossy or just a big No.

After hours of fighting with my closet, I threw on a black hoodie and some jeans. I picked up my car keys and went off to meet my date.

I've never been on an actual date. Don't get me wrong, I'm a ladies man but most of the girls I date are basically dating my pants and not me.

I have no idea how this works. Do I get her a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolates? I don't want to seem too cheesy but I also don't want to be a jerk.

I decided to get her a box of chocolates. I entered into the parlor and Immediately spotted the rare beauty that I, fortunately am on a date with.

Wait, Is this a date?

"Hey you" She placed her phone on the table and gave me a side hug.

"I got you this" I gave her the box.

"Aww, thanks" She opened and smiled at the sight of the assorted chocolates in the box.

"All the good chocolates are in here" She picked up a bar of Snickers and devoured it.

"So what flavor of ice cream do you want?" I asked her

"Um, I think I'll have A Devon Chocolate ice cream with extra chocolate chips and a lot of sprinkles" She said


I went over to the counter and placed our order. As I was waiting for the order, I kept on looking at her but she didn't spare me a glance. She was too busy staring at her phone.

"One cup of vanilla ice cream for me and one cup of millions of calories" I said

She smiled at me and collected the glass from my hand. She opened her box of chocolates and poured some of it into her ice cream.

"What? Never seen a girl trying to enjoy her ice cream?" She said

"No, it's just that you really shouldn't be taking in so much of this" I pointed to her food situation.

"I'll rather eat a lot of this than to have plain vanilla" She stuck out her tongue at me.

"Let's finish up and go karaoke" I said

"Yeah, I'm almost.." Her phone started ringing. She pulled it out and looked at the caller ID "Hold that thought"

She jumped down from the stool and went out of the parlour to receive her call. After ages of waiting, she finally hung up and came in.

"What was that all about?" I asked

"Just some family drama and shit. Listen, today was great and I had a great time"

"I can smell a but on the way" That sounded way better in my head.

"But, I have to go home because something urgent came up but I'll see you soon, ok?" She picked up her purse and put of box of chocolate inside.

She waved at me and ran out of the parlour. Well, that was...... strange. I finished up and hopped into my car.

With that, I drove off.

I love you.

If you don't love me, I love you.

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I love you guys so much.

I'll see you next week


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