C H A P T E R 63

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I can't believe Andrew hasn't showed up. He's such an idiot and he can't take a hint. I wanted him to come here and make it up to me and not blow such a night off.

"Punch?" Derek offered me a glass.

"Oh thank you" I collected it and sipped from the glass. My eyes continued moving around and hoping to lock with those beautiful brown eyes that I've grown used to.

"Are you looking for someone?" He said

I turned over to him and felt really bad. He actually gave up everything to come to his dance with me and I'm paying attention to someone who I'm not even sure actually cares about me.

"No, I...I was just lost in the moment"

"Listen, I understand, you'd rather be here with Andrew" He said

"No Derek, it's nothing like that" I said

"It's cool" He placed his hands in his pockets and looked around awkwardly. As if the DJ could perceive the awkwardness from his seat, a slow dance music hit the dance floor.

"May I have this dance?" He said

"Of course" I smiled at him and took his hand in mine. I danced the night away and got lost in my own thought bubble.

"Jules, Jules, Earth to Jules" Derek called out me. I came back to reality and I was beyond embarrassed. The music had stopped and everyone was looking at me for some reason that I don't know.

"She's my Angel eyes and I love her" I turned around and saw Andrew standing on the stage. There was a video projected on the wall and it seemed like a slideshow of me.

Ok, hold your horses, When did Andrew get here? When did he get on stage?

I know he just finished a heart felt speech but it doesn't matter because I know he loves me. I picked up my dress and ran on stage to give him the warmest kiss of all times.

"I love you" I hugged him and he spun me around. Everyone roared and clapped.

"Do we even need to vote because they have brought the A+ game of  Prom King and Queen?" Jace yelled

"Yeah, Prom King, Prom Queen" Maddie chanted

"Prom King, Prom Queen, Prom King, Prom Queen" Everyone chanted

"Look babe, they like us" Andrew smiled at me. Maddie and some other cheerleaders picked up our sash and crown.

"I now pronounce you, Prom King and Queen" They placed the crown on our head.

"You may kiss your Queen" Maddie said

"Let's show them how it's done" I placed my hand behind his head and pulled him down to my level.

"Yeah" The entire crowd burst out cheering.

The prom after party is the main deal and the real point where virgins who fought it through high school finally loose their virginity. I, however have made a promise to myself to not have a drop of alcohol.

We went back to the frat house. I chatted a little with my friends before I went off to look for Andrew. I'm guessing that by now, he must have received the mail.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was a text message from Andrew.

Come join me on the roof, the view is nice. I'm sure that you're probably on your knees crying because you miss me.

So that's where he was. Ugh, He is so damn confident of his stupid self. I pushed the roof door open and I was greeted by the cold air that was currently patrolling the sky.

I turned my head and saw Andrew sitting so comfortable on the roof whereas I'm already trembling with fear of falling from the roof.

"Um, I need a little help" I said

"Tch, you're such a girl" He walked over to me and grabbed my hands.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" I wrapped my arms around you his neck as he pulled me out.

"That you're a girl"

"Are you by any chance implying that girls are weak?" I got on my feet and started walking slowly away from the door.

"Yeah" He chuckled

"Not all girls are.....woah" I was about to fall from the roof when a pair of sturdy hands wrapped around my waist.

"What was that again? I think it goes like this 'All girls are Woah' " He burst into laughter

"You're a really terrible person" I said

"You're more terrible for loving me" He guided me back to the spot where he was seated.

I rested my head on his shoulder and relieved myself of all thoughts as the fine breeze tickled my face.

"How did you manage to do it?" He asked

"Do what?"

"What other huge thing did you do? Did you pull a ship down or break an airplane into two?" He asked with his voice dripping with sacarsm.

"You know what? In the future, I would like it if you just answered questions like a regular human being" I said

"I'm sorry, it's just that graduation is tomorrow and I still can't believe that you managed to get me into the academy" He squeezed my arm

"It was nothing, ok? You've been through a lot with your dad and I just wanted to help. I know what it's like to not have a dad" I said

"What do you mean? Jonathan Reece is still alive as much as my phone headline knows or did you father recently pass away?" He asked

"My dad is as good as dead to me. He's alive but I haven't seen him for over twelve years. I see him on the news and he send me an email at the beginning of the month. When I was a kid, I was really excited to get that message but as I got older, I realized that it was his secretary sending it. The same for all of my birthday presents and all that" I said

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"It's cool, at least a few people still care about me in this world. Please promise that you'll never leave me"

"Julian, there's....." He was about to say something but then Jace came up and said some things about ball and he left me hanging.

What did he want to say?


I love you guys


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