C H A P T E R 45

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                          J U L I A N

I took a deep breath before pressing Andrew's door bell.

"I'm coming" A female voice came from behind the door. A very beautiful woman who's probably somewhere in her mid thirties or late opened the door.

"Hi ma'am, I came to study with Andrew" I said

"Ma'am, Do I really look that old? I guess I've been scammed by those skincare products makers"

"No, you are really beautiful Mrs..."

"Violet, call me Violet" She opened the door for me to come in.

"So what's your name?" She asked


"Such a pretty name for a pretty girl" My cheeks flushed up.

"So you're the one" She said


"You're the one who has changed my son. He's gone from Mr Grumpy to Me smiling eyes because of you"

"No, Andrew and I are just friends"

"Sure, I totally believe that" She chuckled

"You're such a cool mom" I also chuckled

"Wanna know a secret? That nut job might act tough but he's just a sad boy who's scared of commitment. Don't break his heart. Have we met before, you look oddly familiar" She hugged me

"You wouldn't happen to know about his ex best friend and this our first time meeting" She's his mom and she seems to know a lot about him.

"Oh you mean Jace? Those two were the sweetest, my sister loved them a lot. They were inseparable and dud everything together but one day, they just stopped seeing eye to eye and they immediately fell apart"

"Thank you"

"So why do you want to know?" She asked

"Jace is my twin brother and I can't help but wonder what exactly destroyed their friendship"

"That's why you looked so familiar. You're an exact replica of your brother but you're prettier. This is perfect, you can repair their friendship"

"I can?"

"I know you can sweetie"

"It was nice talking to you" I climbed up the stairs and went to Andrew's room. I'm having second thoughts about this study date thing.

I really thought that we'd study in his living room or something but his room? My heart started beating faster as the distance between his door and me kept on reducing.

I knocked on his door gently and silently prayed that he won't answer or something so that I can go home.

"The door's not locked" His voice emerged from the other side of the door.

I twisted the door knob and opened the door slowly.

"What are doing? Come in already" He looked up at me and smiled.

I took a deep breath before entering his room. I sat down on a couch in his room and brought out my language textbook.

"What language is the finals based on?" He asked

"I think anyone you choose, I'm writing Spanish" I said

"Alright, I think I'm writing German" He said

We sat there in silence and read our books. Actually, he read his book while I was switching positions like an idiot.

"Hey, can you come over here? I don't understand this part" He said

I looked up at him and suddenly the room became air tight. I stood up and walked over to him. I sat down on his bed.

"How are you going to see? Come closer"

"I can see just fine from here"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to him. I collided with his chest. I looked up and stared at his eyes, I never realized that his eyes were so pretty.

I cleared my throat and moved away from his chest. He showed me the part he didn't understand in physics.

"A sound is divided into music and noise. Music is the combination of sounds with the same frequency while noise...Andrew are you even listening?"

"Nah" He flashed me a billion dollar smile.

"You have to take your....what are you doing?" He caressed my cheek and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I'm tired of studying" He said

"You need to start taking your work more seriously"

"When are you going to stop being a nerd?"

"Being a nerd...you..you" He was running his fingers on my neck and even that was driving me crazy.

"You were saying" He kissed the point that connects my neck to my shoulder.

"We..ah.. really shouldn't be doing this while...ah... studying" I moaned in pleasure

"You're right, let's put this away" He collected my book and pushed all the books on the floor.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. It's been way too long since his lips touched mine and they taste better than they did.

"An...an..Andrew we have to...ah" He sucked my neck and licked it like a fudge pop.

That feels so good, how does that feel so good? He rested his back and pulled up top so that I was fully straddling him.

He put his hand in the back of my jeans. My insides melted as he continued to torture my neck.

"Can I?" He pointed to my sweater. I nodded and he pulled it over my neck leaving me in my camisole.

He kissed my chest through my camisole. He took a deep breath before hugging me and bringing me down from his lap. He placed me beside him and picked up his book.

He pulled the blanket over my body and resumed our study session.

Ok, what the hell happened?

I twisted and turned, is it morning already? I felt something weighing me down. I opened my eyes and looked around, Where am I?

I felt something hairy tickling my nose. I looked down and Andrew was sleeping on top of me. How did we fall asleep? I picked up his phone to check the time because I have no idea where mine is.

"3:02? How did it get to tomorrow morning? I mean this morning" I looked around and saw my phone on the floor next to my back pack.

I managed to slip away from his hold and picked up my phone.

"Seventy missed calls from Jace and two from mom" Really? I go missing for a few hours and Jace calls me almost a hundred times and mom called me two times?

Dang it, my phone's about to die. I looked around his room but I couldn't find one. Maybe I'll see one outside.


I love you.


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