C H A P T E R 22

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                        J U L I A N

What do you wear when you have a dinner date with your rival and his family?

I actually didn't want to do this. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I hate Laverne or something like that, wait, don't I?. The truth is I'm starting to get really fond of Andrew.

I'm extremely scared because I don't want to hurt myself but I can't help it. So, the only way I can help myself is to keep my distance from him.

I can't fall in love with Andrew, at least not as Jace. I just have to stop spending time with him and the hatred will fall back in.

I don't know why on earth I went against everything I stood by and agreed to have dinner at his place.

"Jules, I know this is an extremely bad time but Orion sent you another letter and you haven't even read the first one" Darcey handed a letter to me

"Just drop in my box of letters, when I'm less busy, I'll read it. Why do you always have the letters?"

"He usually gives me to put it in his, I mean your locker because he's shy"

"Oh my, is he really that in love with Jace?"

"Yup, you have no idea" She placed her hand on her head as a form of exaggeration.

"Alright but come help me look for an outfit"

"Why should I? It's not like you listen to anything I say"

"Why are you getting all worked up?"

"I told you to find a way to tell Maddie so that she can help you out. Are you trying to get yourself caught?"

"You say it like it's so easy" I scoffed

"Have you actually tried?" She yelled

"You know, you're acting very little right now and normally I'd call you childish but that's just who you are"

"Oh so now I'm Childish?"

"Yes, you're childish and immature. Look, you don't have that much time to argue with me, so let's leave it for when you get back" I picked up my hoodie and threw it on.

I recently started wearing some makeup that makes me look less girly because I feel like I'll be giving off that feminine vibe. Luckily for me, Jace and I practically have the same face and he has more of the shaggy haircut so it hides some of my facial features.

Jace has pierced ear holes so I have been wearing a pair of his studs.

I got into my car and was about to drive to Andrew's place when I realized that I did't know where it is.

I can't call him because it'd seem weird to Andrew that a guy who grew up with him doesn't even remember his house. What do I do? What do I do?

Andrew is like pretty dumb so I bet I could trick him into telling me the address. No, that's way too risky, I'm gonna have to come up with a plan that won't ruin Jace in the process.

Jace, that's it. I pulled out my phone and dialled Jace.

"Sunshine, I told you that I will be back next week so why are you still so bothered" His pleasant voice filled my ear drums.

"I'm not calling because I miss you, I need Andrew's address"

"Why? Are you secretly seeing him?"

"Yes, you fool, I'm seeing him and we're officially the cutest gay couples in school"

"Oh that's right, you're me so why then do you need his address?"

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