C H A P T E R 15

57 5 1

                          J U L I A N

Is there a pillow on this bus because for some reason, I'm so comfortable. I snuggled deeply and inhaled the scent of the pillow, it smells so good.

I raised my hand up to adjust the pillow. I felt something hairy on my fingers. Wait, pillows don't have hair.

I moved down.

Or eyes, nose and lips.

Wait a minute.

I opened my eyes and saw a very annoyed Andrew shooting death glares at me.

"You know, my baby brother sleeps better in the car than you do" He pushed my hands away from his body.

"Sorry" I curled my fingers on my lap

There was an akward silence in the bus. For some reason everyone was not talking.

"I threw a wish in the well" Jolene sighed and kept quiet

"Don't ask me I'll never tell" Rico sang

"I look to you as a friend but still you're in my way" Whitney sang

Someone turned on the instrumentals version of 'Call me maybe'

" Hey I just met you and this crazy but here's my number so call me maybe" We sang.

"Can you loose brats pipe down?" Mrs Heisenberg yelled

"Sorry ma'am" We burst into laughter

"I wonder how she's going to handle the camp fire song" Maddie said

"She's going to freak out" Rico said

"I hope you rotten eggs know that I can hear you" She said

"Yes, that's why we're deliberately talking loudly" I said

Everyone started laughing and we had a jolly ride to the camp. When we arrived at the camp, I saw other buses there.

"Great, thanks to you, our school is probably the last to get here. Just pray that all the good cabins are not gone" Andrew whispered in my ear.

"Get out you turds" Mr George yelled at us

"Did you just call us poop?" Antonio asked

"So what if I did? Get your pretty asses out of my bus before you go have a lunch with the sharks. By the way, you're the lunch" He yelled

Everyone grabbed their suitcases and ran out.

"Gee, we're so unlucky, we got the worst creatures alive to teach at our school" I said

"At this point, I think I'd trade Mr George for a donkey" Andrew said

"Why? Nothing's changed" Whitney said

It took everyone two minutes to understand her joke.

"This way you ungrateful souls" Mr George led us into the camp. We saw other school members seated on the grass doing random stuffs.

"Good, it looks like our last school has arrived" Glenna, the camp's supervisor said

"Ugh, I was already so excited that you guys won't show up" Emerson, remember him? The team captain of our rivals said

"Shut up Emerson, we had to endure the stench of Mrs Heisenberg's fish pops, don't make it worse by opening your mouth" I said

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Alright campers, it's time to assign you to your log cabins" Glenna said

"But we always use the same cabin" Maddie said

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