C H A P T E R 66

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I furrowed my eyebrows when I didn't feel Andrew's rock hard body against me. I touched his side of the bed and he wasn't there but it was warm.

He probably just got up. I sat up and looked around his room that I've rather become attached to. Everything smells so good. Whenever I sleep here, I never wanna wake up.

I saw an envelope sticking out of his back pack. I know that it's wrong to pry in other's business but as a couple, we shouldn't hide things from each other.

I jumped down from the bed and walked over to his couch. I pulled out the envelope. I opened it and saw some paper work inside.

I pulled out the papers and saw a student license application form, a letter of admission and a plane ticket?

What's all this?

It looks like the ticket is for Wisconsin. Why would he go there on the 17th of this month? I saw another paper and it was some kind of admission into a boot camp.

Wait, is he like going somewhere?

Almost immediately, his door swung open and he came in with a breakfast tray. The smile on his face died down when he saw me holding the envelope.

"Care to explain this?" I threw the envelope on his bed.

"Why did you go through my stuff?" He asked

"That doesn't answer my question. Why is there a freaking plane ticket in your room? Are you going somewhere? Why didn't you tell me?" I'm so mad right now.

"I tried, ok but everything just seemed wrong. I knew this was going to happen but I still wanted to wait till the timing was perfect"

"Oh and what is your perfect I don't know time? On the morning of the seventeen which is only two days from now" I folded my arms

"It's not like I'm going forever"

"I don't even understand, Where are you going to?"

"You should know, you're the one who got me into Everton Football Academy" He said

"Wait, so you're saying that you're leaving for school? It's barely been forty eight hours since you left high school and you're just gonna go off to college without giving a shit about anyone else?" I yelled

"I told you, I tried to tell you but I panicked"

"No, what you did was right"


"Why do I need to know? I'm only going to make a scene and cry like a child. You and I we don't fit, we can't work out. I knew that we'd face crisis with you going off to pursue your father's dream and me going to Harvard. We simply don't work in a puzzle anymore" I picked up my jacket and stormed out of his house.

Today is the day that Andrew leaves for good. Since I didn't wait for him to explain, I heard the full story from Riley.

Apparently, after I reached out to the school board. Like he told me, they were impressed by Andrew. I was the one who mailed him the admission letter but after that, I haven't had contact with them.

So, long story short, he has to go for a boot camp before school starts to show if he's really worthy of his scholarship or something like that.

He leaves together and I don't care. I'm currently living life to the fullest with a gallon of tutty fruity ice cream and my trustee Oreos while wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Do I look like someone who cares?

"Girl, you can't do this to yourself" Darcey finally dropped her novel and said

"Let her stuff herself. These days, there are two kinds of girls. There are the veggie eaters and the pigs so Julian, which category do you my darling fall into?" Maddie took a bite from an apple.

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