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In Riverstead, people are out working their usual routine.

Suddenly, they turn to the side. Someone is limping towards them.

' Help...me…' That's all Lucan manages to say before he falls over, revealing the two arrows on his back.


After Lucan has recovered, they take him to the capital of Felden, Felora. Lucan stands in front of the two Felden Officials.

' This is some grave news you've brought us,' the first official says,' Can you describe in detail what happened in the mines?'

' First, I saw this,' he pulls out the Wither skeleton skull. ' And then they came from the tunnels. Undead. Using weapons and wearing armour.'

The officials look at each other.

The second official speaks up, ' There have been rumors of Necromancers, who seek to control the undead and use them as an army.'

The first official nods, ' I've heard similar stories. The undead have been attacking strategically and in greater numbers.' She turns to Lucan. ' Lucan, you owe the kingdom of Felden further service. So, I am tasking you to investigate the situation.'

' What, me?' Lucan says, surprised. ' I can't, I just got lucky. You want me to fight Necromancers now?'

' Investigate,' the second leader tells him, ' You will report back to us with your findings.'

Lucan frowns. He looks down at the Wither skeleton skull he was holding.

/A/N/ Sorry this chapter is short.

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