I Made This For You

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/A/N/ Just pretend the background is not Sendaria.

And this is already six months later.

Ria's p.o.v

I'm training with Senn now. I swing my wooden sword at him, but he swiftly blocks it.

' You're going to have to do better than that.' he smirks.

I draw back my sword and twirl around before trying to kick him back, but he summons his shield Song and my foot hits hard onto it.

' Ow! Ow! Ow!' I jump up and down while holding my leg up. ' Hey, not fair!'

' Do you think the Voltaris fight fair?' He does make a good point.

' Still...'

' That could also practice your kicks. Maybe one day you'll have enough force to actually shatter my shield.'

' That would almost be impossible...'

' Well, nothing is impossible. Everything can be learned with time and effort...' he stops talking.

' You okay?' I ask.

' Yeah, I'm fine. By the way...' he pulls out a spear.' I made this for you.'

I take the spear.' Wow...' I admire the weapon. The stick was designed for my size, and the blade was very fine.

' I studied your fighting style, so... I made a spear instead of a sword. If you want a normal sword, I can totally make you one...'

' No, Senn. It's perfect!' I swing it around.

' Want to try it out?'

' Sure, but I'm going to destroy you with a weapon like this.' I grin.

He raises his sword into a challenging position.

I dart towards him, leap as I swing the spear around, and clash it with his sword. Wait... It wasn't his sword.

' Thalleous?'

' Our power comes not from the power of our weapons, but rather how we choose to wield them.'

' Ky' Thalleous, I thought you were busy scouting the area where you hid the Prime Songs?' Senn asks.

' I was. I saw a group of Voltaris heading towards the Vault. They found out I hid the Supporium Prime Song there.'

' What now?' it's my turn to ask.

' We need to leave immediately.' Thalleous eyes my spear.' Where did you get that, Ria?'

' Senn made it for me,' I answer.

He gestures for me to hand it over. I do, and he inspects it.' It's a fine blade, Senn. You really have the hands of a blacksmith.'

' Those years spent with Galleous paid off, I guess.' Senn stratches the back of his head.

' I don't know how you two get along so well. Now, we need to head to the Vault.'

/A/N/ I liked the idea of Ria with a spear, and I still wanted the Senn X Ria thing, so I added this chapter. Cant forget Thalleous' line in this chapter as well.

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