The Dragon Stone

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Abbigail wakes up early in the morning and leaves her house.

Denny is already outside, holding his harvesting tool, ready to get to work.
' Good morning, sister!'

Abbigail grabs her harvesting tool.
' Let me help you.'

Denny smiles and they start harvesting the crops together.

They work the whole day: farming was no easy task!


They are finally done by dusk. As Denny moves the crops into the house, Abbigail rests and stares down the road leading outside of Underwood. She sighs.

Denny is right. I do want to be free and explore the world. Abbigail thought to herself.

A horse rider approaches from the opposite side of the road. Abbigail turns around.

Denny notices the rider as well. He starts walking towards her. ' Hello, how may we help you?

' Excuse me, sir. We are on the lookout for two thieves, last reported heading this way.'

Just as Denny opens his mouth, Mr Finch hurries between them.
' We haven't seen anyone in these parts but yourself,' Mr Finch tells the rider, ' What did they steal?'

' A relic from Etherea, the dragon stone. One of the few remaining in Ardonia.'

' Ooh, sounds valuable. Well, it's all quiet here, as usual. I'll be sure to let you know if I see anything.'

Denny looks towards Abbigail. Abbigail catches his meaning and hurries into Mr Finch's house. She grabs the dragon stone, ready to give it to the guard.

' Abbigail? What are you doing?' she hears Mr Finch's voice behind her.

' They were here for the stone.'

' I know. What? You think I would hand it over like that? I can sell it for a lot more than what they'll offer. Now, hand me the stone!'

Abbigail begins handing it over when suddenly energy surges out of it, causing her to drop it with a loud thump.

' Abbigail! Careful with that!' Mr Finch scolds her, ' Everything was fine until you came in here and messed with it.'

Abbigail looks down on the floor, but Mr Finch continues, ' You know, it was through reckless actions like this that your parents got themselves killed!'

Abbigail frowns and storms out of the house just as Denny reaches the door. Abbigail doesn't notice he was there and continues storming into their house.

She drops onto the coach, trying to hold back her tears.

Denny comes in and sits beside her. He holds her hand. Abbigail can't help but throw herself into his arms.

Denny pats Abbigail on the back, trying to comfort her.


Abbigail opens her eyes and sits up. The wall rolls down and she looks around. A couple Endermen surround her.

She turns around and sees a purple crown sitting on a pedestal. She starts walking towards it when she hears a crunch on the floor.

She looks down and sees skulls all around her feet.

Suddenly, Wither skeletons start coming in and killing the Endermen.

A bright light shines behind her. She turns around and sees a Netheran behind her with a sharp blade. He walks towards her, scraping the blade against the floor, sending sparks flying.

Abbigail steps back in fear and falls into the void.


She sits up on her bed, gasping for air. Denny is also woken up by the sudden sound of movement.

Abbigail looks around, and realises it was all a dream.

Suddenly, they hear Sam barking outside. Abbigail grabs a stone sword and hurries out the door.

' Abbigail, wait!' Denny rushes after his sister.

They both stand on the porch and glance towards Mr Finch's house. Jalkar is holding the dragon stone while walking out of the house, Grim waiting outside.

' Now listen here, you thieves. I'm going to report you straight to the Etherea guard and they're going to hunt you down and…' Mr Finch begins.

Jalkar gets annoyed and kicks Mr Finch onto the ground. ' Oh, shut it you old goat!'

Mr Finch groans as he tries to get up.

Jalkar and Grim turn around to leave but see Abbigail blocking them.

Denny watches with a worried look on his face, fearing his sister could get hurt.

Jalkar rolls his eyes, ' Get back inside, girl. There's no need to hurt yourself with that knife.'

Abbigail stands firm. She points her sword at him.

' Put. The. Stone. Down. Now.'

Jalkar stops, surprised by the confrontation. He puts the dragon stone in Grim's hands. ' Try not to lose it again.'

Grim nods and growls at Abbigail.

Jalkar turns back towards Abbigail. He pulls out his knife. ' I'm going to give you one last chance, girl.'

Abbigail stands her ground.

Jalkar moves forward, twirling his knife around in his hand expertly and distracting Abbigail.

Abbigail attacks first and Jalkar moves effortlessly to block. He begins circling around him and as she shakes her head to get her hair out of her eyes.

Denny rushes into the house.

Abbigail tries to attack Jalkar multiple times, but Jalkar blocks them all easily. He then kicks Abbigail back, and she falls to the ground.

Jalkar jumps on her with his knife, but Abbigail quickly gets back up and  blocks it.

Jalkar is surprised by how she skilled she, a farmer is.

Abbigail forces him back and Jalkar stumbles backwards. He regains himself almost immediately and blocks Abbigail's sword.

He groans, ' Not bad kid,' he grabs Abbigail with his open hand, ' but I don't have time for this!'

He punches her and Abbigail falls to the ground, unconscious.

Jalkar and Grim prepare to leave.

Suddenly, an arrow flies right between them.

They turn and see Denny with Abbigail's bow.

Denny fires another arrow, and Jalkar deflects it with his knife.

Knowing he can't win in a long range battle, Jalkar turns towards the woods and runs. ' Come on, Grim!'

Grim follows, and Denny fires an arrow that hits Grim's hand, making him drop the dragon stone.

Grim grunts in pain as Jalkar turns back to him. ' Hurry up, Grim!'

Grim pulls the arrow out of his arm. He draws out his scythe and throws it at Denny.

Denny ducks as it goes over him, and back to Grim like a boomerang.

Denny prepares to fire another arrow, but Grim throws his scythe again, cutting his right arm. ' Ow!'

Denny misses his shot at Grim and staggers, hand on the cut on his arm. He groans in pain, and looks up as Jalkar and Grim flee into the woods.

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