The Alliance

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/A/N/ Nothing has changed in this chapter. You can skip if you want.

Third person view

The Deathsinger is in the throne room of the Nether. He stands before the Nether King, Pythus, who is slouched lazily in the throne.

' Many years ago your father and I formed one of the greatest alliances any world has ever seen. With our combined strength we nearly conquered all of Ardonia. I come here today seeking to rekindle this alliance.'

Pythus is stroking his battle axe. He looks up at the Deathsinger. ' But you didn’t conquer Ardonia- you lost the war. The Nether forces withdrew and the Voltaris were defeated. Back then you had three Prime Songs, Ingressus… now you only have one.'

The Deathsinger takes a few steps forward. ' Your father, King Chronos, recognized the strength in…'

A creature with large black wings, the Angel of Death, lands in front of the Deathsinger, holding up both its swords.

' My father?' Pythus scoffs. ' My father was a fool.'

Pythus gets up from the throne and strolls pass the Angel of Death, past the Deathsinger, and to the view overlooking the Nether city.

' He retreated like a coward when we were on the brink of victory. He was a disgrace to our people and to my family name. After returning to the Nether, I put my sword through him so that a coward would never rule this kingdom again.'

Another Netheran who is standing slightly outside the throne room listens in.

' That is pleasing to hear, King Pythus.' the Deathsinger says. ' As you may know, I have no interest in ruling the Overworld. The kingdoms are in turmoil… the Enderknights haven’t been seen in years… and a faction known as the Necromancers have diverted their attention. Now is the time to strike. Fight with me and help me reclaim the Prime Songs, and in return I promise you the Nether will rule the Overworld once more.'

Pythus says nothing, and continues looking at the view.

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