Mount Tempest

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Lucan is camped out with more rotten flesh hanging over the fire. He holds his sword tightly as he waits.

Suddenly, some armed zombies come out of the bushes. Lucan quickly grabs his torch and gets up.

He kills one, but turns around and sees that he's surrounded.

A Necromancer walks out. ' The Felina female who was with you the other night… Where is she now?'

' Which night are you talking about? I get my Felina girls mixed up.'

The Necromancer walks closer, sword drawn. ' Don't fool with me, scum. I want to know where-'

Niika drops down and quickly disarms the Necromancer with one of her blades, then twists around pulling the Necromancer to the ground.

Lucan jumps up and slays the zombies surrounding them.

Niika puts her foot on the Necromancer. ' Looking for me?'

' As a matter of fact, I was.' The Necromancer stops struggling free.

' Here I am. Now it's my turn to ask questions,' Niika says.

The Necromancer turns away. ' I'm not telling you anything. The Necromancers will soon rise, and cover the world in dark-'

Niika punches him, knocking him out.

' Niika!' Lucan groans.

' What? You heard him, he said he wasn't going to tell us anything. Or were you enjoying his little speech?'

Lucan grumbles. ' Well, what's the plan now?'

Niika thinks. ' I can disguise myself with his robes, maybe follow their tunnels back to their base.'

' Uh, yeah, one problem: that was a human male, might be a bit strange if a Felina female returns in his place.'

Niika stops as she realises he has a point.

Lucan gestures to himself. ' I'm a human male, by the way.'

Niika gives in. ' Fine, just put on the robes.'

Niika pulls an obsidian block out of the Necromancer's belongings.

' Obsidian? Where would there be obsidian in this area?'

Lucan pauses. ' The only volcano around, Mount Tempest.'

Lucan puts on the robes and they approach the Necromancer's tunnel.

He keeps scratching his body. ' It's hot and itchy!'

' It's only going to get worse in the volcano.' Niika tells him.

Lucan groans. ' Great.'

He steps foot in the tunnel and turns to Niika. ' Take our prisoner back to the Riverstead prison while I'm away, alright?'

Niika raises an eyebrow. ' I didn't know Riverstead had a prison…'

' Well, it does.'

' Are you sure?'

' Pretty darn.'

' How do you know?'

' What? Nothing, it just does. I should go.' Lucan tries to avoid telling her he had been to prison before.

' Hey, good luck!' Niika waves to him.
' Try not to die.'

Lucan watches as Niika leaves. ' I'm going to need more than luck…'

He goes into the deep tunnel.


Lucan reaches a clearing and looks around.

He hears a zombie behind him, and turns around.

' Oh great…' He puts on his Necromancer mask and draws out his weapon.

He stops. ' Wait.' He puts back his sword, pulls out the Wither skeleton skull and raises it.

The zombie stops and cocks it's head.

' Yeah, that's right.' Lucan smiles, seeing it works.

Another zombie comes from behind him. He turns around to stop the other one, but the first one continues walking towards him.

He struggles to control both the zombies. More zombies, even skeletons and creepers surround him.

Suddenly a Wither noise is heard, and a figure drops beside Lucan. The figure spins around and grates his weapon on the ground. He raises the Wither skeleton skull, and the undead look at it in awe.

The figure throws the Wither skeleton skull away, and the undead chase after it.

The Necromancer turns towards Lucan. ' I expected you would have learned by now.'

Lucan stays quiet, not wanting to reveal who he is.

' I presume you are the new rookie,' the Necromancer asks.

Lucan nods his head.

' I'm Xaria,' the Necromancer puts his sword on his back, ' And I imagine you haven't killed the Felina girl.'

Lucan shakes his head.

' What happened to the undead under your control?' Xaria asks.

Lucan realises there is no way to answer this question by nodding or shaking his head. He thinks.

Xaria stares at him.

Lucan finally raises his hands in defeat.

' There is no need to be embarrassed about failing the mission, at least you survived,' Xaria tells Lucan.
' However, the Felina girl is more dangerous and resourceful than we anticipated. We'll have to report this to his Lordship.'

Lucan sighs, relieved he wasn't caught.

Xaria walks off.

Lucan walks out into a large cavern and takes a good look at the Necrobase.

Large pillars of lava pour from the ceiling and catwalks are everywhere. Armies of undead are being held in cages. At the far end of the room, a hooded figure turned away is standing on a tall platform.

The figure turns around, and Lucan gets a look at him.

The figure had a mask on, and glowing red eyes. He raises his staff, which is a Wither spine with a Wither head on top. The eyes on the Wither head glow bright white, and the undead around look at it in awe.

Lucan stares at the Necromancer, realising he is the leader, the Necrolord.

The Necrolord looks at Lucan, and they make eye contact. Lucan begins backing up, and bumps into Xaria.

Xaria doesn't mind. ' Come with us, we have a new mission.'

Lucan looks at the place one more time, and follows Xaria.

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