The Battle For Felden

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/A/N/ This chapter will all be in this person view.

There are only a few minor changes in this chapter, like added fight scenes, change in dialogue and a few scenes cut out.

Third person view

In Felora, everything is gloomy and dystopian. People still walk about their day, but under the presence and scrutiny of the Nether.

Down below, Niika climbs up out of a Necromancer tunnel. Lucan fumbles up, so Niika reaches down and helps him up.

They both look around, then hop down onto the empty walkway.

As they do so, they spot some Wither skeletons approaching down one side of the walkway, so they quicken their pace in the opposite direction. They check over their shoulders a few times.

' We need to be careful not to draw attention to ourselves,' Niika tells him.

' Hey, I’m good at blending in.'

Niika gives Lucan a sideways glance.

They slow down as they approach a civilian being harassed by some Wither Skeletons. A hooded figure in on the side, slouched against a nearby wall.

' We can’t interfere, not yet,' Niika says.

The hooded figure turns to leave while drawing out a weapon.

The hooded figure's weapon comes flying over a nearby hut and hits one of the two Wither skeletons off the edge.

The other skeleton turns around surprised, and spots Lucan and Niika watching.

They realize they are being watched, so they turn to go. The Wither skeleton draws his sword and begins pursuing so they pick up the pace.

Suddenly the hooded figure appears in front of them and throws them to the side.

He holds them there as the Wither Skeleton passes.

' Let go of us!' Niika tries to struggle free.

' Stop, stop! It’s me.'

Lucan recognises his voice. ' Alec…?'

Alec pulls back his hood. ' Thought you two were killed in the battle with the Necromancers.'

' That’s my line. We had no idea you’d survived either,' Lucan says.

Alec looks to the city. ' Things have gotten so much worse… we defeated the Necromancers only for them to be replaced by a much greater evil.'

Niika walks up behind him. ' Listen, Alec, this is why we’ve come back. We plan to fight the Nether from the inside… and we could really use your help.'

' Are you two mad?! I keep telling everyone that a resistance will be futile, and it’ll put everyone at risk. I’m not getting involved in this.'

Alec starts leaving.

' That was you who dealt with the Wither Skeletons… wasn’t it?' Lucan asks.

Alec stops, and sighs. ' If you’re serious about this… you should go to The Sunset Topiary and seek out the Shadow.'

Alec puts his hood back up and hurries off.


' So who do you reckon this “Shadow” is? You think someone has already started our job for us?' Lucan asks.

' If so, we owe him our thanks.'

They find a doorway with a sign over it reading “Sunset Topiary.”

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