The Shrouded Islands

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Denny's p.o.v

Me, Grek and Hubris have been sent to the Shrouded Islands to retrieve the Protisium Prime Song.

' Jaggathans aren’t meant to be flying through the sky like this, we belong on the ground! I feel like I’m going to be sick!' Grek keeps complaining.

' Are you quite done complaining?' Hubris snaps at him.

' No, really! I don’t feel good, Hubris.'

' Are we almost there?' Hubris turns to me.

' We’re passing over Hydraphel now, should be coming up on the ocean any moment,' I tell him.

We continue flying over the ocean.

' I’m getting cramps, Hubris,' Grek whines.

' That’s great to hear, Grek,' Hubris rolls his eyes.

' My legs are sore.'

' Uh huh.'

We touchdown on one of the islands. This must be the one Thalleous mentioned.

Upon landing, Grek slides and flops off to the side and lands in the sand with a thud.

Me and Hubris dismount Thunderdome and look around.

I take off my helmet to speak more clearly. ' Keep an eye out for movement. Thunderdome, watch our backs.'

I begin walking up the stone walkway leading into the island.

' Come on Grek, get up,' Hubris nudges Grek, who is still flat faced on the ground.

Grek groans.

Thunderdome nudges Grek with his head and attempts to push Grek upright.

' I can’t feel my legs…'

' Do you want me to carry you?' Hubris asks.

I turn around. Seriously?

' Yes please,' Grek continues lying face-down in the sand but holds his hand up.

' I was kidding,' Hubris laughs. ' Come on, Grek.'

Thunderdome lets out a small puff of fire.

Grek jumps up. ' Ow, ow! Alright, okay! But as soon as we get this Prime Song, I’m calling it a day.'


We trek through and come across a deep hole in the center. It appears to be a small inactive volcano.

' I’ll just… wait here… for when you’re finished,' Grek tells us and stops walking.

I shrug and climb to the bottom with Hubris.

The Protisium Prime Song is on a podium in the middle of the room.

Hubris looks at the Prime Song. ' I have never beheld a Prime Song, it’s beautiful…'

I pass in front of him and break his concentration. I pick up the Prime Song.

/A/N/ Denny isn't by its powers since he’s human.

' So this is what sparked the Great War…' I murmur as I looks at Hubris.

' I’ll take it.'

I think for a moment.

' Alright…?'

I hand Hubris the Prime Song. Again, he seems captivated by it.

Suddenly, we hear footsteps. I draw out my sword.

We look up as an arrow flies towards us.

' Uh oh.'

The arrow lands next to my feet. I  pull out the arrow from the ground, draw out my bow and fire it back at the direction it came from.

After a few seconds, a Voltaris falls down next to us.

' We have to leave now!' I urge Hubris. He nods and we begin climbing up.

As I place my hand on the ground of the level above, I feel a sharp pain on my hand.

I look up as a Voltaris with similar markings to Senn steps on my hand.

' I'll be taking that.'

/A/N/ The Voltaris that fell off earlier wasn't Almrak, it was a random Voltaris with a bow. The one stepping on Denny's hand is Deltheus.

I look down at Hubris, who quickly pockets the Prime Song.

' So… did you guys find it… or whaaa…'

The Voltaris turns around. I take a peek and see Grek.

' Grek! A little help here?'

Grek turns to us, but becomes dizzy and falls over.

Oh great, things aren't looking good for us now...

The Voltaris turns back towards me, takes his foot off my hand, and kicks my face. I land on the ground below with a loud thump.

I look up as the Voltaris jumps down. He grabs onto one of the hanging vines, and swings towards Hubris with his sword.

Hubris lets go off the wall, and falls down as well. He charges up his Agressium Song, and the Voltaris jumps towards us as the Song passes harmlessly above him.

We begin fighting him, but he's a skilled fighter and knocks me down. Hubris tries to help, but the Voltaris throws his sword towards Hubris, and it stabs into his arm.

I grab my bow and fire an arrow at the Voltaris, but he slips to the side and my arrow flies directly at Hubris.

Time seems to slow down as I watch in horror as Hubris starts to stagger. Then, his yellow markings fade out as he collapses to the ground, and his Agressium Song appear beside him.

What have I done?

I try to get up, but the Voltaris picks up Hubris' sword from the ground and stabs it into my foot. Cries of pain escape my mouth as I fall over again.

The Voltaris takes the Protisium Prime Song, looks back at me, and leaves.

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