Do You Have Any Lava?

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Igneous p.o.v

I walk into the blacksmith and see Galleous working on a sword.

' Hi...' I wave.

Galleous turns around and looks at me, then goes back to work.

There's an awkward moment of silence.

' Do you have any lava?'

' There's some in the forge. You can have some if you're thirsty.'

' Thanks!' I hurry downstairs and find the forge. I run over and soak my face into the lava, drinking it.

/A/N/ Magnorites don't need to eat or rest, but they do need to drink lava from time to time.


I walk back upstairs. Galleous is overlooking Ataraxia from his balcony.

' So... Family issues, huh?' I walk over beside him.

' My brother and I never agree on much.'

' At least you have a brother. I have never even met my family.'

Galleous looks at me, looking at bit sorry.

' Oh, it's fine. They'd probably be aggressive like the others anyway.'

There's another moment of silence.

I decide to change the subject. ' So, how's the whole, Second Great War going?'

' Not that great... It's been weeks since the Ardoni went to Mount Velgrin, but there's been no news. We aren't going to get any help from the kingdoms, which Felden busy with the Necromancers and Cydonia locked in their conflict with K'arthen.'

' I've actually always wanted to go to K'arthen. Maybe I can help with the last issue.'

' Cydonia and K'arthen have the two largest armies of Ardonia. Uniting them is a necessity. A Magnorite like you should be perfect for the job.'

' Then I best be off!' I start walking away.

' Wait, have a little bit of patience, my young friend. The borders of K'arthen are closed and the people suspicious. However, I have a contact in Cydonia who can aid you. Take this gold, sail to Meridian, and find Aren the fletcher.'
Galleous hands me some gold.' Be cautious, Magnorites are not welcome in Cydonia.'

I nod as I take the gold. ' Thank you, Galleous!'

I leave the blacksmith, off on my journey to unite Cydonia and K'arthen.


Galleous' p.o.v

I watch as the the Magnorite leaves, then turn back to continue working.

' Ky' Galleous.'

That voice... That voice was familiar... I turn around and couldn't believe my eyes. ' Impossible...'

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