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Senn's p.o.v

I look over at the beacon, which  suddenly beamed a light into the sky. Someone had come through.

The glowing eyes of a Wither appear, and a volley of projectiles follow.

I roll to the side, and summon my shield to defend myself from the final projectile.

Almrak draws out his bow, and fires an arrow at the Wither. However, the Angel of Death comes through as well, and uses one of it's swords to deflect the arrow.

' Evacuate the city!' I shout to Almrak. He nods and runs off.

The Angel of Death flies down towards me as an army of Wither skeletons come through using the beacons.

The Angel of Death swings both it's swords at me, and I quickly put up my shield to block them. I then deactivate my shield before drawing out both my mother's and Thalleous' sword and swinging it at it.

/A/N/ Senn picked Thalleous' sword up from the water back at Ataraxia. I just thought I'd stick to the original series, where he gets Thalleous' sword.

The Angel of Death backs up a little, and flies away. I look up, and it flies back down towards me with it's swords pointed towards me.

I teleport away as it's swords hit the ground, and jump on it as it turns around to face me. It blocks my mother's sword, but I use Thalleous' sword to swing over it's head. It ducks as it draws back both it's swords, turns around, and kicks me away.

The Angel of Death approaches me as I get up. Just as it's about to engage, Deltheus comes from the side with his Mobilum Song and knocks the Angel of Death down.

Galleous' p.o.v

Everyone was running for their lives. I run past the opposite direction.

I look up and see Senn and Deltheus fighting the Angel of Death.

Suddenly, a Wither skeleton approaches me. I haven't dealt with one of these things in years.

I have no weapon on me, so I duck as it swings it's sword over my head. I grab it's arm and punch it in the face, but it barely does anything. I yank the sword from it's grasp and slice it's head off instead.

' Ky' Galleous, what are you doing here?'

I turn around, excepting it to be Senn, but instead see Almrak firing an arrow at a Wither skeleton while running towards me.

/A/N/ Galleous thought it was Senn because Senn and Almrak have a pretty similar voice, like how Galleous and Thalleous have similar voices as well. Deltheus on the other hand, has a slightly rougher voice than Senn and Almrak.

' You have to leave immediately, I don't know how much longer we can hold them off!' he continues shouting at me.

I run towards him, and follow him out of the city.

As we're running, a Wither comes above us and attacks. Almrak fires an arrow at it, following with his Agressium Song, Aggrobeam, and it falls to the ground.

Another Wither appears, and I throw the sword I got from the Wither skeleton earlier at the head in the middle. It shrieks in pain.

Almrak notices it, and fires another arrow at it, knocking it down.

' Come on, we're almost out of the city!'

Senn's p.o.v

Both me and Deltheus land a hit on the Angel of Death. It staggers backwards, and flies away to escape.

Deltheus fires his Agressium Song, Aggroshard, at the Angel of Death. Multiple spikes hit it's wing, and it loses balance before falling down into the mist below. It's probably dead, considering we were pretty high up.

Another Wither appears beside us and attacks. I put up my shield just in time, but we are still knocked off. I grab Deltheus as I summon my Mobilum Song, and both of us teleport back up, avoiding death.

I continue lying down, exhausted.
' That was close... How many Withers came through?'

Deltheus also continues lying down.
' I think I saw five come through...'

' Oh, great... Just great...' I use both of my swords to support myself up.

The Wither comes back, and I quickly fire my Aggressium Song at it, killing it instantly.

' How many more left now?' I ask again.

Deltheus gets up, and both of us overlook Hailstone. Only one Wither could be seen.

' One,' he answers.

Suddenly, the beacon beams again.

' Oh, great! Don't tell me there's more coming!' I groan.

But instead, Ingressus flies out with his sword drawn, and kills the Wither before landing on the ground.

' It's Ingressus!' Deltheus leans over the wall.

' Let's go meet up with him.'

We run off towards him.

Galleous' p.o.v

I put both my hands on my knees as I pant, exhausted. I haven't ran that fast in a long time... I haven't done a lot of things in a long time... I really should get out of my blacksmith a little bit more...

Almrak puts his bow back on his back. ' Now what?'

' I don't know...'

' I guess we have to go back to Mount Velgrin again... There's nowhere else for us to go...'

' We could go to Ataraxia,' I suggest.

' You could, but not the rest of us. We would not be welcomed there.'

' I could tell them to.'

He looks up at me, surprised.

' If the Nether attacked the Voltaris, that means Senn was right. The Nether is the real enemy here, not the Deathsinger.'

' I'm surprised Senn told you that, but it's all true. Ingressus never wanted power, he only wanted the Voltaris to be safe, especially from people like Thalleous.'

' My brother was corrupted by the Prime Songs, he didn't mean any of that.'

' We know, we all understand what the Prime Songs do to us. If you can convince the other clans to allow us to hide in Ataraxia for now, we would really appreciate it.'

' I'll do my best.'

Senn's p.o.v

' Senn! Deltheus! I'm sorry I'm late...'

' Did it work?' I ask Ingressus.

He looks down and sighs. ' It didn't... Our plan failed...'

He falls onto the ground. It was obvious he had been in a tough battle before he arrived.

Me and Deltheus help him up.

' What about the rest of the Voltaris?'

' I told Almrak to evacuate the city as soon as the Nether arrived. They should be outside Hailstone now,' I tell him.

' Good... At least the Voltaris are safe...'

' Yeah... It was a good idea leaving us behind...' I shoot a look at Deltheus. He rolls his eyes at me in answer.

' I can't imagine what would happen if you weren't here... The Voltaris would have all been killed...'

' Don't worry, Ingressus,' Deltheus says to him. ' We'll stick with you until the very end.'

Ingressus smiles a bit. ' Thank you... Where is Almrak now?'

' Probably somewhere outside Hailstone.'

' Go get him, and meet me at the Song Shrine near to the Walls of Time...'

/A/N/ Aka, the first Song Shrine in all of Ardonia.

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