The Battle Of Felora

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/A/N/ There are only a few minor changes in this chapter from the original series.

This chapter will all be in third person view, it's been a while since I wrote a story in third person view.

Third person view

At Ferndale, a few guards are watching the gate.

Suddenly, the bushes start rustling and the guards point their weapons at the bush.

' Who goes there?' Alec, who was one of the guards, asks.

' Alec, it's me, Lucan!' Lucan comes out of the bushes, wearing half of his Necromancer attire.

' Lucan?! Where’ve you been? Kiyoshi’s going to kill you when…'

Lucan interrupts him. ' Listen, I don’t have time to argue about what rules I’ve broken or what sort of trouble I’m in. The Necromancers aren’t attacking Ferndale! They’re heading straight to the capital, and they’re almost there.'

' How do you even know this? Lucan, I have to take you in, Kiyoshi needs to hear this from you.' Alec draws out his sword.

' I can’t, not until I get her back. If you want to stop me, you’re going to have to kill me… which I’d prefer if you didn’t.'

Alec lowers his sword, and Lucan rushes back into the woods.

Kiyoshi is looking over his battle plans.

' The evacuation is complete. We’ve fortified the perimeter, but the mines have been quiet… too quiet. They should have attacked by now…'

Alec runs in. ' Captain! Captain Kiyoshi! Lucan just arrived at camp. He’s been undercover with the Necromancers and says they’re marching straight to Felora.'

Kiyoshi’s eyes widen. He looks back at the map as he thinks whether to believe it or not.

He eventually looks up. ' Pack what you can! We ride to Felora immediately!'

They load up and rush towards the capital of Felden.


The fight is already underway in Felora. Necromancers are throughout the city, undead are attacking civilians.

A few civilians are cornered. Undead begin walking towards them, and Kiyoshi rides up on his horse. He kills the undead and dismounts.

' Our first priority is to protect the people! Evacuate everyone you can down the main road!'

' Yes, sir!' Alec hurries off as Kiyoshi fights off more undead.

At the top of the tree the Felden Officials are being escorted by a Necromancer and some undead. Kiyoshi jumps up onto the platform and fights off the undead with his dual swords.

' Captain? We thought you were in Ferndale?' one of the officials is surprised to see Kiyoshi.

' We have to get you out of the city! This way, hurry!'

Kiyoshi continues killing off more undead.

He clears a path for the officials to escape. He turns to the officials. ' Has the beacon been disabled?'

' We removed the Nether Star yesterday. Felora has been on lockdown ever since.'

' Good, that will at least prevent these foul demons from attacking the other capitals.'

He stops as he sees something at the end of the hanging walkway.

The Necrolord is at the other end of the walkway, a zombie, two Necromancers and Niika behind him.

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