Leaving Ataraxia

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Ria's p.o.v

I have had nothing to do in Ataraxia since Thalleous left me here. Igneous would've been good company, but he has left to solve the conflict between Cydonia and K'arthen.

I occasionally wander around the place, of course avoiding the blacksmith, I don't really want to know more about that Galleous guy, he seems like he really has problems with Thalleous.

Other than wandering around, I do look out the window from my room at the view in the distance. The view is beautiful, especially during the sunset.

I groan in boredom as I bury my head in my hands. I suppose I could wander around again...

I get up and leave the room. I'm done sitting in there doing nothing, time to stretch my legs.

Just as I come out, I bump into someone and land on the ground with a thump.

' Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!' I apologise.

' You alright?'

I look up and a Nestoris holds out his hand. I grab it, and he helps me up.

' I'm totally fine.' I say as I brush off the dirt.

' That's good to hear. Now I best be going.' he turns around and leaves.

Oh, great. Bumping into someone? What a great start!

/A/N/ It was Senn she bumped into, just in case you're wondering. By the way, it's already been a few days since Igneous left and Senn arrived at Ataraxia.


I wander around, and see someone familiar in the distance. I squint my eyes as I try to make out who he is, and soon recognise him.

' Thalleous!'

Thalleous notices me, and walks up to me. ' Ria, how are you holding up?'

' Fine, just bored to death.'

' How? I thought that Igneous would have a ton of things to talk to you about.'

' He left to solve the conflict between Cydonia and K'arthen.'

' Well, at least he's doing something useful. Hopefully that big mouth of his can make a difference in this war.'

' I have faith in him.'

Thalleous has an unsure look on his face.

' So, when are we leaving this place?'

' What?'

' Wait, you're just going to leave me here?'

' It's safer here.'

' It's boring! I've run out of things to do, and I've walked around so many times I can memorise every nook and cranny of this area!'

Thalleous sighs. ' Fine, you can come with me. Now, I need to find Hubris.'

' You mean the Ardoni you were talking to that day?'

' Yeah, have you seen him?'

' I told you, I memorised every nook and cranny of this place, his house is that one over there.' I point to one of the houses.

Thalleous raises his eyebrows.' You sure?'

' Come on! He's coming out of it every day!'


Yes, I'm finally leaving this place! I get onto Timber with Thalleous, my blade on my back.

Hubris joins us on his horse, and we prepare to set off northwest.

' Thalleous, wait!'

We all turn around and see Galleous panting.

' Yes, brother?' Thalleous asks.

' I know someone who could come in handy during your whole resistance group thing...'

' How do you know about this?'

' Hey, I'm good at gathering information, all right? Just wait for a while, I'll go get him.'

Thalleous' p.o.v

I nod and my brother runs off. We wait for a moment, and soon enough Galleous comes back, with a Nestoris behind him.

I gasp as I immediately recognise him.

' Senn...?'

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