Dominus Voltaris

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/A/N/ I don't have a picture of Dominus, so I left it blank.

Ingressus' p.o.v

They were coming. I could hear their footsteps in the snow loud and clear.

Father turns to me and holds out Voltar. ' Ingressus, take it and run.'

I am hesitant at first, but reach out my hand and take it.

Thalleous' p.o.v

I draw out my sword as I see glowing red in the mist. I see a Voltaris raise his sword.

Without hesitation, I summon a Song, Aggroblast. Within seconds, the Voltaris drops his sword and collapses forward.

' That's the master of the Voltaris. Congratulations, Thalleous Sendaris.'

I should be glad. The Voltaris wouldn't last long without their master. But I don't feel any joy. Not a hint of it. I kneel down as I look at the Voltaris I just killed.

Dominus Voltaris, that was his name. And I had killed him.

I notice he didn't have the staff of the Voltaris. Did he drop it somewhere?

I get up and turn around to leave. As I'm a few feet away, I hear footsteps. I draw out my sword again and turn towards the bushes.

A Voltaris comes out of the bush. He was only a young child, probably around 8 years old. He rushes beside Dominus.

I stand there, unsure what to do. I look back, everyone had left. I watch from a distance as the child buries his face in his hands and cries. His markings were similar to Dominus'. I assume that was his son.

Should I kill him? He's a Voltaris after all. But he's just a child...

I turn towards the opposite direction, and have decided to let him live.

Suddenly, one of the other Ardoni notice him. ' There's one more!'

He begins charging up his Song as the Voltaris looks up. He picks up Dominus' sword and runs, but he can't make it. There's no way he could have.

Before the Ardoni could fire his Song, I push him down. His Song flies towards the Voltaris, and hits the ground beneath him, sending him flying off the cliff.

I rush over and look over the edge. We were so high up, there was no way he could have survived.

' Let's go look around. There might be more.'

I take a deep breath. What was I thinking? Even if he was just a child, he was still a Voltaris.

I turn around and follow the other Ardoni in search of survivors.

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